// Based on https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/angular2/test/testing/testing_public_spec.ts /* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */ import { BadTemplateUrl, ButtonComp, ChildChildComp, ChildComp, ChildWithChildComp, ExternalTemplateComp, FancyService, MockFancyService, InputComp, MyIfComp, MyIfChildComp, MyIfParentComp, MockChildComp, MockChildChildComp, ParentComp, TestProvidersComp, TestViewProvidersComp } from './bag'; import { DebugElement } from 'angular2/core'; import { By } from 'angular2/platform/browser'; import { beforeEach, beforeEachProviders, withProviders, describe, ddescribe, xdescribe, expect, it, iit, xit, inject, injectAsync, fakeAsync, tick, ComponentFixture, TestComponentBuilder } from 'angular2/testing'; import { provide } from 'angular2/core'; import { ViewMetadata } from 'angular2/core'; import { PromiseWrapper } from 'angular2/src/facade/promise'; import { XHR } from 'angular2/src/compiler/xhr'; import { XHRImpl } from 'angular2/src/platform/browser/xhr_impl'; /////////// Module Preparation /////////////////////// interface Done { (): void; fail: (err: any) => void; } //////// SPECS ///////////// /// Verify can use Angular testing's DOM abstraction to access DOM describe('angular2 jasmine matchers', () => { describe('toHaveCssClass', () => { it('should assert that the CSS class is present', () => { let el = document.createElement('div'); el.classList.add('bombasto'); expect(el).toHaveCssClass('bombasto'); }); it('should assert that the CSS class is not present', () => { let el = document.createElement('div'); el.classList.add('bombasto'); expect(el).not.toHaveCssClass('fatias'); }); }); describe('toHaveCssStyle', () => { it('should assert that the CSS style is present', () => { let el = document.createElement('div'); expect(el).not.toHaveCssStyle('width'); el.style.setProperty('width', '100px'); expect(el).toHaveCssStyle('width'); }); it('should assert that the styles are matched against the element', () => { let el = document.createElement('div'); expect(el).not.toHaveCssStyle({width: '100px', height: '555px'}); el.style.setProperty('width', '100px'); expect(el).toHaveCssStyle({width: '100px'}); expect(el).not.toHaveCssStyle({width: '100px', height: '555px'}); el.style.setProperty('height', '555px'); expect(el).toHaveCssStyle({height: '555px'}); expect(el).toHaveCssStyle({width: '100px', height: '555px'}); }); }); }); describe('using the test injector with the inject helper', () => { it('should run normal tests', () => { expect(true).toEqual(true); }); it('should run normal async tests', (done: Done) => { setTimeout(() => { expect(true).toEqual(true); done(); }, 0); }); it('provides a real XHR instance', inject([XHR], (xhr: any) => { expect(xhr).toBeAnInstanceOf(XHRImpl); })); describe('setting up Providers with FancyService', () => { beforeEachProviders(() => [ provide(FancyService, {useValue: new FancyService()}) ]); it('should use FancyService', inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('real value'); })); it('test should wait for FancyService.getAsyncValue', injectAsync([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { return service.getAsyncValue().then( (value) => { expect(value).toEqual('async value'); }); })); // Experimental: write async tests synchonously by faking async processing it('should allow the use of fakeAsync (Experimental)', inject([FancyService], fakeAsync((service: FancyService) => { let value: any; service.getAsyncValue().then((val: any) => value = val); tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve. expect(value).toEqual('async value'); }))); describe('using inner beforeEach to inject-and-modify FancyService', () => { beforeEach(inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { service.value = 'value modified in beforeEach'; })); it('should use modified providers', inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('value modified in beforeEach'); })); }); describe('using async within beforeEach', () => { beforeEach(injectAsync([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { return service.getAsyncValue().then(value => { service.value = value; }); })); it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('async value'); })); }); }); describe('using `withProviders` for per-test provision', () => { it('should inject test-local FancyService for this test', // `withProviders`: set up providers at individual test level withProviders(() => [provide(FancyService, {useValue: {value: 'fake value'}})]) // now inject and test .inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('fake value'); })); }); }); describe('test component builder', function() { it('should instantiate a component with valid DOM', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(ChildComp).then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('Original Child'); }); })); it('should allow changing members of the component', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(MyIfComp).then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('MyIf()'); fixture.debugElement.componentInstance.showMore = true; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('MyIf(More)'); }); })); it('should support clicking a button', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(ButtonComp).then(fixture => { let comp = fixture.componentInstance; expect(comp.wasClicked).toEqual(false, 'wasClicked should be false at start'); let btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')); // let btn = fixture.debugElement.query(el => el.name === 'button'); // the hard way btn.triggerEventHandler('click', null); // btn.nativeElement.click(); // this often works too ... but not all the time! expect(comp.wasClicked).toEqual(true, 'wasClicked should be true after click'); }); })); it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { let origName = 'John'; let newName = 'Sally'; return tcb.createAsync(InputComp).then(fixture => { let comp = fixture.componentInstance; expect(comp.name).toEqual(origName, `At start name should be ${origName} `); let inputBox = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(inputBox.value).toEqual(origName, `At start input box value should be ${origName} `); inputBox.value = newName; expect(comp.name).toEqual(origName, `Name should still be ${origName} after value change, before detectChanges`); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(inputBox.value).toEqual(newName, `After value change and detectChanges, name should now be ${newName} `); }); })); it('should override a template', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideTemplate(MockChildComp, 'Mock') .createAsync(MockChildComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('Mock'); }); })); it('should override a view', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideView( ChildComp, new ViewMetadata({template: 'Modified {{childBinding}}'}) ) .createAsync(ChildComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('Modified Child'); }); })); it('should override component directives', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideDirective(ParentComp, ChildComp, MockChildComp) .createAsync(ParentComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement).toHaveText('Parent(Mock)'); }); })); it('should override child component\'s directives', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideDirective(ParentComp, ChildComp, ChildWithChildComp) .overrideDirective(ChildWithChildComp, ChildChildComp, MockChildChildComp) .createAsync(ParentComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement) .toHaveText('Parent(Original Child(ChildChild Mock))'); }); })); it('should override a provider', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideProviders( TestProvidersComp, [provide(FancyService, {useClass: MockFancyService})] ) .createAsync(TestProvidersComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement) .toHaveText('injected value: mocked out value'); }); })); it('should override a viewProvider', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideViewProviders( TestViewProvidersComp, [provide(FancyService, {useClass: MockFancyService})] ) .createAsync(TestViewProvidersComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement) .toHaveText('injected value: mocked out value'); }); })); it('should allow an external templateUrl', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(ExternalTemplateComp) .then(fixture => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.nativeElement) .toHaveText('from external template\n'); }); }), 10000); // Long timeout because this test makes an actual XHR. describe('(lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp)', () => { let fixture: ComponentFixture; let parent: MyIfParentComp; let child: MyIfChildComp; /** * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot. */ function getChild() { let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template try { childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0]; } catch (err) { /* we'll report the error */ } // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances: childDe = fixture.debugElement .queryAll(function (de) { return de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComp; })[0]; // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH ! // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any) childDe = fixture.debugElement .query(function (de) { return de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComp; }); if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) { child = childDe.componentInstance; } else { fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp'); } return child; } // Create MyIfParentComp TCB and component instance before each test (async beforeEach) beforeEach(injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(MyIfParentComp) .then(fix => { fixture = fix; parent = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance; }); })); it('should instantiate parent component', () => { expect(parent).not.toBeNull('parent component should exist'); }); it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => { expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toEqual(false); }); it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toEqual(true); }); it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComp).toEqual(true, 'should create child'); }); it('should have called child component\'s OnInit ', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toEqual(true); }); it('child component called OnChanges once', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toEqual(1); }); it('changed parent value flows to child', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); parent.parentValue = 'foo'; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toEqual(2, 'expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value'); expect(child.childValue).toEqual('foo', 'childValue should eq changed parent value'); }); it('changed child value flows to parent', injectAsync([], () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); child.childValue = 'bar'; let deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer(); let p = deferred.promise.then(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toEqual(2, 'expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value'); expect(parent.parentValue).toEqual('bar', 'parentValue should eq changed parent value'); }); // Wait one JS engine turn! setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve(), 0); return p; })); /* Will soon be able to write it like this: it('changed child value flows to parent', async(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); child.childValue = 'bar'; // Wait one JS engine turn! setTimeout(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toEqual(2, 'expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value'); expect(parent.parentValue).toEqual('bar', 'parentValue should eq changed parent value'); }, 0); })); */ it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => { fixture.detectChanges(); getChild(); let btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button')); btn.triggerEventHandler('click', null); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toEqual(true); }); }); }); describe('inject/async testing errors', () => { let originalJasmineIt: any; let originalJasmineBeforeEach: any; let patchJasmineIt = () => { let deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer(); originalJasmineIt = jasmine.getEnv().it; jasmine.getEnv().it = (description: string, fn: Function): jasmine.Spec => { let done = () => { deferred.resolve(); }; (done).fail = (err: any) => { deferred.reject(err); }; fn(done); return null; }; return deferred.promise; }; let restoreJasmineIt = () => { jasmine.getEnv().it = originalJasmineIt; }; let patchJasmineBeforeEach = () => { let deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer(); originalJasmineBeforeEach = jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach; jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = (fn: any): void => { let done = () => { deferred.resolve(); }; (done).fail = (err: any) => { deferred.reject(err); }; fn(done); return null; }; return deferred.promise; }; let restoreJasmineBeforeEach = () => { jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach = originalJasmineBeforeEach; }; const shouldNotSucceed = (done: Done) => () => done.fail( 'Expected function to throw, but it did not'); const shouldFail = (done: Done, emsg: string) => (err: any) => { expect(err).toEqual(emsg); done(); }; it('injectAsync should fail when return was forgotten in it', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('forgets to return a proimse', injectAsync([], () => { return true; })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Error: injectAsync was expected to return a promise, but the returned value was: true') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('inject should fail if a value was returned', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('returns a value', inject([], () => { return true; })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Error: inject returned a value. Did you mean to use injectAsync? Returned value was: true') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('injectAsync should fail when return was forgotten in beforeEach', (done: Done) => { let beforeEachPromise = patchJasmineBeforeEach(); beforeEach(injectAsync([], () => { return true; })); beforeEachPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Error: injectAsync was expected to return a promise, but the returned value was: true') ); restoreJasmineBeforeEach(); }); it('inject should fail if a value was returned in beforeEach', (done: Done) => { let beforeEachPromise = patchJasmineBeforeEach(); beforeEach(inject([], () => { return true; })); beforeEachPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Error: inject returned a value. Did you mean to use injectAsync? Returned value was: true') ); restoreJasmineBeforeEach(); }); it('should fail when an error occurs inside inject', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('throws an error', inject([], () => { throw new Error('foo'); })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), err => { expect(err.message).toEqual('foo'); done(); } ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); // TODO(juliemr): reenable this test when we are using a test zone and can capture this error. xit('should fail when an asynchronous error is thrown', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('throws an async error', injectAsync([], () => { setTimeout(() => { throw new Error('bar'); }, 0); })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), err => { expect(err.message).toEqual('bar'); done(); } ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('should fail when a returned promise is rejected', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('should fail with an error from a promise', injectAsync([], () => { let deferred = PromiseWrapper.completer(); let p = deferred.promise.then(() => { expect(1).toEqual(2); }); deferred.reject('baz'); return p; })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'baz') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }); it('should fail when an XHR fails', (done: Done) => { let itPromise = patchJasmineIt(); it('should fail with an error from a promise', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.createAsync(BadTemplateUrl); })); itPromise.then( shouldNotSucceed(done), shouldFail(done, 'Failed to load non-existant.html') ); restoreJasmineIt(); }, 10000); describe('using beforeEachProviders', () => { beforeEachProviders(() => [provide(FancyService, {useValue: new FancyService()})]); beforeEach( inject([FancyService], (service: FancyService) => { expect(service.value).toEqual('real value'); })); describe('nested beforeEachProviders', () => { it('should fail when the injector has already been used', () => { patchJasmineBeforeEach(); expect(() => { beforeEachProviders(() => [provide(FancyService, {useValue: new FancyService()})]); }) .toThrowError('beforeEachProviders was called after the injector had been used ' + 'in a beforeEach or it block. This invalidates the test injector'); restoreJasmineBeforeEach(); }); }); }); }); //////// Testing Framework Bugs? ///// import { HeroService } from './hero.service'; import { Component } from 'angular2/core'; @Component({ selector: 'another-comp', template: `AnotherProvidersComp()`, providers: [FancyService] // <======= BOOM! if we comment out // Failed: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'dm.providers.concat') }) export class AnotherProvidersComp { constructor( private _heroService: HeroService ) { } } describe('tcb.overrideProviders', () => { it('Component must have at least one provider else crash', injectAsync([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => { return tcb.overrideProviders( AnotherProvidersComp, [provide(HeroService, {useValue: {}})] ) .createAsync(AnotherProvidersComp); })); });