import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as nock from 'nock'; import {resolve as resolvePath} from 'path'; import {BuildInfo, CircleCiApi} from '../../lib/common/circle-ci-api'; import {Logger} from '../../lib/common/utils'; import {BuildRetriever} from '../../lib/preview-server/build-retriever'; describe('BuildRetriever', () => { const MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE = 10000; const DOWNLOAD_DIR = resolvePath('/DOWNLOAD/DIR'); const BASE_URL = ''; const ARTIFACT_PATH = '/some/path/'; let api: CircleCiApi; let BUILD_INFO: BuildInfo; let WRITEFILE_RESULT: any; let writeFileSpy: jasmine.Spy; let EXISTS_RESULT: boolean; let existsSpy: jasmine.Spy; let getBuildArtifactUrlSpy: jasmine.Spy; beforeEach(() => { BUILD_INFO = { branch: 'pull/777', build_num: 12345, failed: false, has_artifacts: true, outcome: 'success', reponame: 'REPO', username: 'ORG', vcs_revision: 'COMMIT', }; api = new CircleCiApi('ORG', 'REPO', 'TOKEN'); spyOn(api, 'getBuildInfo').and.resolveTo(BUILD_INFO); getBuildArtifactUrlSpy = spyOn(api, 'getBuildArtifactUrl').and.resolveTo(BASE_URL + ARTIFACT_PATH); WRITEFILE_RESULT = undefined; writeFileSpy = spyOn(fs, 'writeFile').and.callFake( ((_path: string, _buffer: Buffer, callback: fs.NoParamCallback) => callback(WRITEFILE_RESULT)) as typeof fs.writeFile, ); EXISTS_RESULT = false; existsSpy = spyOn(fs, 'exists').and.callFake( ((_path, callback) => callback(EXISTS_RESULT)) as typeof fs.exists, ); }); describe('constructor', () => { it('should fail if the "downloadSizeLimit" is invalid', () => { expect(() => new BuildRetriever(api, NaN, DOWNLOAD_DIR)) .toThrowError(`Invalid parameter "downloadSizeLimit" should be a number greater than 0.`); expect(() => new BuildRetriever(api, 0, DOWNLOAD_DIR)) .toThrowError(`Invalid parameter "downloadSizeLimit" should be a number greater than 0.`); expect(() => new BuildRetriever(api, -1, DOWNLOAD_DIR)) .toThrowError(`Invalid parameter "downloadSizeLimit" should be a number greater than 0.`); }); it('should fail if the "downloadDir" is missing', () => { expect(() => new BuildRetriever(api, MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, '')) .toThrowError(`Missing or empty required parameter 'downloadDir'!`); }); }); describe('getGithubInfo', () => { it('should request the info from CircleCI', async () => { const retriever = new BuildRetriever(api, MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, DOWNLOAD_DIR); const info = await retriever.getGithubInfo(12345); expect(api.getBuildInfo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12345); expect(info).toEqual({org: 'ORG', pr: 777, repo: 'REPO', sha: 'COMMIT', success: true}); }); it('should error if it is not possible to extract the PR number from the branch', async () => { BUILD_INFO.branch = 'master'; const retriever = new BuildRetriever(api, MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, DOWNLOAD_DIR); await expectAsync(retriever.getGithubInfo(12345)).toBeRejectedWithError('No PR found in branch field: master'); }); }); describe('downloadBuildArtifact', () => { const ARTIFACT_CONTENTS = 'ARTIFACT CONTENTS'; let retriever: BuildRetriever; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(Logger.prototype, 'warn'); retriever = new BuildRetriever(api, MAX_DOWNLOAD_SIZE, DOWNLOAD_DIR); }); it('should get the artifact URL from the CircleCI API', async () => { const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); await retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH); expect(api.getBuildArtifactUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(12345, ARTIFACT_PATH); artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should download the artifact from its URL', async () => { const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); await retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH); // The following line proves that the artifact URL fetch occurred. artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should fail if the artifact is too large', async () => { const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); retriever = new BuildRetriever(api, 10, DOWNLOAD_DIR); await expectAsync(retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH)). toBeRejectedWith(jasmine.objectContaining({status: 413})); artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should not download the artifact if it already exists', async () => { const artifactRequestInterceptor = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH); const artifactRequest = artifactRequestInterceptor.reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); EXISTS_RESULT = true; await retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH); expect(existsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(getBuildArtifactUrlSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(artifactRequest.isDone()).toEqual(false); nock.removeInterceptor(artifactRequestInterceptor); }); it('should write the artifact file to disk', async () => { const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); const downloadPath = resolvePath(`${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/`); await retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH); expect(writeFileSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(downloadPath, jasmine.any(Buffer), jasmine.any(Function)); const buffer: Buffer = writeFileSpy.calls.mostRecent().args[1]; expect(buffer.toString()).toEqual(ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should fail if the CircleCI API fails', async () => { getBuildArtifactUrlSpy.and.rejectWith('getBuildArtifactUrl failed'); await expectAsync(retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH)). toBeRejectedWithError('CircleCI artifact download failed (getBuildArtifactUrl failed)'); }); it('should fail if the URL fetch errors', async () => { // create a new handler that errors const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).replyWithError('Artifact Request Failed'); await expectAsync(retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH)).toBeRejectedWithError( 'CircleCI artifact download failed ' + '(request to failed, reason: Artifact Request Failed)'); artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should fail if the URL fetch 404s', async () => { // create a new handler that errors const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(404, 'No such artifact'); await expectAsync(retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH)). toBeRejectedWithError('CircleCI artifact download failed (Error 404 - Not Found)'); artifactRequest.done(); }); it('should fail if file write fails', async () => { const artifactRequest = nock(BASE_URL).get(ARTIFACT_PATH).reply(200, ARTIFACT_CONTENTS); WRITEFILE_RESULT = 'Test Error'; await expectAsync(retriever.downloadBuildArtifact(12345, 777, 'COMMIT', ARTIFACT_PATH)). toBeRejectedWithError('CircleCI artifact download failed (Test Error)'); artifactRequest.done(); }); }); });