{ "cli-hello-world": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime": 1497, "main": 157021, "polyfills": 45399 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-minimal": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime": 1440, "main": 13415, "polyfills": 45340 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-compat": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime": 1440, "main": 123904, "polyfills": 45340 } } }, "cli-hello-world-ivy-i18n": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "runtime": 1440, "main": 141209, "polyfills": 45949 } } }, "hello_world__closure": { "master": { "uncompressed": { "bundle": "TODO(i): temporarily increase the payload size limit from 105779 - this is due to a closure issue related to ESM reexports that still needs to be investigated", "bundle": "TODO(i): we should define ngDevMode to false in Closure, but --define only works in the global scope.", "bundle": 177447 } } } }