import { AsyncTestCompleter, describe, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, SpyObject } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Map, StringMap, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {RouteRecognizer, RouteMatch} from 'angular2/src/router/route_recognizer'; import {Route, Redirect} from 'angular2/src/router/route_config_decorator'; export function main() { describe('RouteRecognizer', () => { var recognizer; beforeEach(() => { recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); }); it('should recognize a static segment', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/test', component: DummyCmpA})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/test')[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); }); it('should recognize a single slash', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/', component: DummyCmpA})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/')[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); }); it('should recognize a dynamic segment', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/user/:name', component: DummyCmpA})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/user/brian')[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); expect(solution.params()).toEqual({'name': 'brian'}); }); it('should recognize a star segment', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/first/*rest', component: DummyCmpA})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/first/second/third')[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); expect(solution.params()).toEqual({'rest': 'second/third'}); }); it('should throw when given two routes that start with the same static segment', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/hello', component: DummyCmpA})); expect(() => recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/hello', component: DummyCmpB}))) .toThrowError('Configuration \'/hello\' conflicts with existing route \'/hello\''); }); it('should throw when given two routes that have dynamic segments in the same order', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/hello/:person/how/:doyoudou', component: DummyCmpA})); expect(() => recognizer.config( new Route({path: '/hello/:friend/how/:areyou', component: DummyCmpA}))) .toThrowError( 'Configuration \'/hello/:friend/how/:areyou\' conflicts with existing route \'/hello/:person/how/:doyoudou\''); }); it('should recognize redirects', () => { recognizer.config(new Redirect({path: '/a', redirectTo: '/b'})); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/b', component: DummyCmpA})); var solutions = recognizer.recognize('/a'); expect(solutions.length).toBe(1); var solution = solutions[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); expect(solution.matchedUrl).toEqual('/b'); }); it('should not perform root URL redirect on a non-root route', () => { recognizer.config(new Redirect({path: '/', redirectTo: '/foo'})); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/bar', component: DummyCmpA})); var solutions = recognizer.recognize('/bar'); expect(solutions.length).toBe(1); var solution = solutions[0]; expect(getComponentType(solution)).toEqual(DummyCmpA); expect(solution.matchedUrl).toEqual('/bar'); }); it('should perform a root URL redirect when only a slash or an empty string is being processed', () => { recognizer.config(new Redirect({path: '/', redirectTo: '/matias'})); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/matias', component: DummyCmpA})); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/fatias', component: DummyCmpA})); var solutions; solutions = recognizer.recognize('/'); expect(solutions[0].matchedUrl).toBe('/matias'); solutions = recognizer.recognize('/fatias'); expect(solutions[0].matchedUrl).toBe('/fatias'); solutions = recognizer.recognize(''); expect(solutions[0].matchedUrl).toBe('/matias'); }); it('should generate URLs with params', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/app/user/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); expect(recognizer.generate('user', {'name': 'misko'})['url']).toEqual('app/user/misko'); }); it('should generate URLs with numeric params', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/app/page/:number', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'page'})); expect(recognizer.generate('page', {'number': 42})['url']).toEqual('app/page/42'); }); it('should throw in the absence of required params URLs', () => { recognizer.config(new Route({path: 'app/user/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); expect(() => recognizer.generate('user', {})['url']) .toThrowError('Route generator for \'name\' was not included in parameters passed.'); }); describe('querystring params', () => { it('should recognize querystring parameters within the URL path', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(true); recognizer.config(new Route({path: 'profile/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile/matsko?comments=all')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['name']).toEqual('matsko'); expect(params['comments']).toEqual('all'); }); it('should generate and populate the given static-based route with querystring params', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(true); recognizer.config( new Route({path: 'forum/featured', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'forum-page'})); var params = StringMapWrapper.create(); params['start'] = 10; params['end'] = 100; var result = recognizer.generate('forum-page', params); expect(result['url']).toEqual('forum/featured?start=10&end=100'); }); it('should place a higher priority on actual route params incase the same params are defined in the querystring', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(true); recognizer.config(new Route({path: 'profile/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile/yegor?name=igor')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['name']).toEqual('yegor'); }); it('should strip out any occurences of matrix params when querystring params are allowed', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(true); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/home', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/home;showAll=true;limit=100?showAll=false')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['showAll']).toEqual('false'); expect(params['limit']).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should strip out any occurences of matrix params as input data', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(true); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/home/:subject', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/home/zero;one=1?two=2')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['subject']).toEqual('zero'); expect(params['one']).toBeFalsy(); expect(params['two']).toEqual('2'); }); }); describe('matrix params', () => { it('should recognize matrix parameters within the URL path', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: 'profile/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile/matsko;comments=all')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['name']).toEqual('matsko'); expect(params['comments']).toEqual('all'); }); it('should recognize multiple matrix params and set parameters that contain no value to true', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/profile/hello', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile/hello;modal;showAll=true;hideAll=false')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['modal']).toEqual(true); expect(params['showAll']).toEqual('true'); expect(params['hideAll']).toEqual('false'); }); it('should only consider the matrix parameters at the end of the path handler', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/profile/hi/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile;a=1/hi;b=2;c=3/william;d=4')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params).toEqual({'name': 'william', 'd': '4'}); }); it('should generate and populate the given static-based route with matrix params', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config( new Route({path: 'forum/featured', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'forum-page'})); var params = StringMapWrapper.create(); params['start'] = 10; params['end'] = 100; var result = recognizer.generate('forum-page', params); expect(result['url']).toEqual('forum/featured;start=10;end=100'); }); it('should generate and populate the given dynamic-based route with matrix params', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config( new Route({path: 'forum/:topic', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'forum-page'})); var params = StringMapWrapper.create(); params['topic'] = 'crazy'; params['total-posts'] = 100; params['moreDetail'] = null; var result = recognizer.generate('forum-page', params); expect(result['url']).toEqual('forum/crazy;total-posts=100;moreDetail'); }); it('should not apply any matrix params if a dynamic route segment takes up the slot when a path is generated', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config( new Route({path: 'hello/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'profile-page'})); var params = StringMapWrapper.create(); params['name'] = 'matsko'; var result = recognizer.generate('profile-page', params); expect(result['url']).toEqual('hello/matsko'); }); it('should place a higher priority on actual route params incase the same params are defined in the matrix params string', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: 'profile/:name', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/profile/yegor;name=igor')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['name']).toEqual('yegor'); }); it('should strip out any occurences of querystring params when matrix params are allowed', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/home', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/home;limit=100?limit=1000&showAll=true')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['showAll']).toBeFalsy(); expect(params['limit']).toEqual('100'); }); it('should strip out any occurences of matrix params as input data', () => { var recognizer = new RouteRecognizer(); recognizer.config(new Route({path: '/home/:subject', component: DummyCmpA, as: 'user'})); var solution = recognizer.recognize('/home/zero;one=1?two=2')[0]; var params = solution.params(); expect(params['subject']).toEqual('zero'); expect(params['one']).toEqual('1'); expect(params['two']).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); } function getComponentType(routeMatch: RouteMatch): any { return routeMatch.recognizer.handler.componentType; } class DummyCmpA {} class DummyCmpB {}