/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ // THIS CODE IS GENERATED - DO NOT MODIFY // See angular/tools/gulp-tasks/cldr/extract.js export default [ 'or', [ ['am', 'pm'], , ], , [ ['ର', 'ସୋ', 'ମ', 'ବୁ', 'ଗୁ', 'ଶୁ', 'ଶ'], ['ରବି', 'ସୋମ', 'ମଙ୍ଗଳ', 'ବୁଧ', 'ଗୁରୁ', 'ଶୁକ୍ର', 'ଶନି'], ['ରବିବାର', 'ସୋମବାର', 'ମଙ୍ଗଳବାର', 'ବୁଧବାର', 'ଗୁରୁବାର', 'ଶୁକ୍ରବାର', 'ଶନିବାର'], ['ରବି', 'ସୋମ', 'ମଙ୍ଗଳ', 'ବୁଧ', 'ଗୁରୁ', 'ଶୁକ୍ର', 'ଶନି'] ], , [ ['ଜା', 'ଫେ', 'ମା', 'ଅ', 'ମଇ', 'ଜୁ', 'ଜୁ', 'ଅ', 'ସେ', 'ଅ', 'ନ', 'ଡି'], [ 'ଜାନୁଆରୀ', 'ଫେବୃଆରୀ', 'ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ', 'ଅପ୍ରେଲ', 'ମଇ', 'ଜୁନ', 'ଜୁଲାଇ', 'ଅଗଷ୍ଟ', 'ସେପ୍ଟେମ୍ବର', 'ଅକ୍ଟୋବର', 'ନଭେମ୍ବର', 'ଡିସେମ୍ବର' ], ], , [ ['BCE', 'CE'], , ], 0, [0, 0], ['d-M-yy', 'd MMM y', 'd MMMM y', 'EEEE, d MMMM y'], ['h:mm a', 'h:mm:ss a', 'h:mm:ss a z', 'h:mm:ss a zzzz'], [ '{1} {0}', , , ], ['.', ',', ';', '%', '+', '-', 'E', '×', '‰', '∞', 'NaN', ':'], ['#,##,##0.###', '#,##,##0%', '¤ #,##,##0.00', '#E0'], '₹', 'ଟଙକା', function(n: number): number { if (n === 1) return 1; return 5; } ];