/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ChangeDetectorRef, ElementRef, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef} from '@angular/core'; import {defineComponent} from '../../src/render3/definition'; import {InjectFlags, bloomAdd, bloomFindPossibleInjector, getOrCreateNodeInjector} from '../../src/render3/di'; import {NgOnChangesFeature, PublicFeature, defineDirective, inject, injectChangeDetectorRef, injectElementRef, injectTemplateRef, injectViewContainerRef} from '../../src/render3/index'; import {bind, container, containerRefreshEnd, containerRefreshStart, createLNode, createLView, createTView, directiveRefresh, elementEnd, elementStart, embeddedViewEnd, embeddedViewStart, enterView, interpolation2, leaveView, load, projection, projectionDef, text, textBinding} from '../../src/render3/instructions'; import {LInjector} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/injector'; import {LNodeFlags} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/node'; import {LViewFlags} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/view'; import {ViewRef} from '../../src/render3/view_ref'; import {renderComponent, renderToHtml, toHtml} from './render_util'; describe('di', () => { describe('no dependencies', () => { it('should create directive with no deps', () => { class Directive { value: string = 'Created'; static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({type: Directive, factory: () => new Directive}); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [Directive]); { text(2); } elementEnd(); } textBinding(2, bind(load(1).value)); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('view dependencies', () => { it('should create directive with inter view dependencies', () => { class DirectiveA { value: string = 'A'; static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: DirectiveA, factory: () => new DirectiveA, features: [PublicFeature]}); } class DirectiveB { value: string = 'B'; static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective( {type: DirectiveB, factory: () => new DirectiveB, features: [PublicFeature]}); } class DirectiveC { value: string; constructor(a: DirectiveA, b: DirectiveB) { this.value = a.value + b.value; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: DirectiveC, factory: () => new DirectiveC(inject(DirectiveA), inject(DirectiveB)) }); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [DirectiveA]); { elementStart(2, 'span', null, [DirectiveB, DirectiveC]); { text(5); } elementEnd(); } elementEnd(); } textBinding(5, bind(load(4).value)); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('ElementRef', () => { it('should create directive with ElementRef dependencies', () => { class Directive { value: string; constructor(public elementRef: ElementRef) { this.value = (elementRef.constructor as any).name; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, factory: () => new Directive(injectElementRef()), features: [PublicFeature] }); } class DirectiveSameInstance { value: boolean; constructor(elementRef: ElementRef, directive: Directive) { this.value = elementRef === directive.elementRef; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: DirectiveSameInstance, factory: () => new DirectiveSameInstance(injectElementRef(), inject(Directive)) }); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding( 3, interpolation2( '', load(1).value, '-', load(2).value, '')); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('TemplateRef', () => { it('should create directive with TemplateRef dependencies', () => { class Directive { value: string; constructor(public templateRef: TemplateRef) { this.value = (templateRef.constructor as any).name; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, factory: () => new Directive(injectTemplateRef()), features: [PublicFeature] }); } class DirectiveSameInstance { value: boolean; constructor(templateRef: TemplateRef, directive: Directive) { this.value = templateRef === directive.templateRef; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: DirectiveSameInstance, factory: () => new DirectiveSameInstance(injectTemplateRef(), inject(Directive)) }); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: any) { if (cm) { container(0, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance], function() {}); text(3); } textBinding( 3, interpolation2( '', load(1).value, '-', load(2).value, '')); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('TemplateRef-true'); }); }); describe('ViewContainerRef', () => { it('should create directive with ViewContainerRef dependencies', () => { class Directive { value: string; constructor(public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { this.value = (viewContainerRef.constructor as any).name; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, factory: () => new Directive(injectViewContainerRef()), features: [PublicFeature] }); } class DirectiveSameInstance { value: boolean; constructor(viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, directive: Directive) { this.value = viewContainerRef === directive.viewContainerRef; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: DirectiveSameInstance, factory: () => new DirectiveSameInstance(injectViewContainerRef(), inject(Directive)) }); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding( 3, interpolation2( '', load(1).value, '-', load(2).value, '')); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('ChangeDetectorRef', () => { let dir: Directive; let dirSameInstance: DirectiveSameInstance; let comp: MyComp; class MyComp { constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyComp, tag: 'my-comp', factory: () => comp = new MyComp(injectChangeDetectorRef()), template: function(ctx: MyComp, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { projectionDef(0); projection(1, 0); } } }); } class Directive { value: string; constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) { this.value = (cdr.constructor as any).name; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Directive, factory: () => dir = new Directive(injectChangeDetectorRef()), features: [PublicFeature], exportAs: 'dir' }); } class DirectiveSameInstance { constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: DirectiveSameInstance, factory: () => dirSameInstance = new DirectiveSameInstance(injectChangeDetectorRef()) }); } const $e0_attrs$ = ['dir', '', 'dirSameInstance', '']; it('should inject current component ChangeDetectorRef into directives on components', () => { class MyApp { static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(), /** {{ dir.value }} */ template: function(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, MyComp, $e0_attrs$, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); elementEnd(); text(4); } textBinding(4, bind(load(2).value)); MyComp.ngComponentDef.h(1, 0); Directive.ngDirectiveDef.h(2, 0); DirectiveSameInstance.ngDirectiveDef.h(3, 0); directiveRefresh(1, 0); directiveRefresh(2, 0); directiveRefresh(3, 0); } }); } const app = renderComponent(MyApp); // ChangeDetectorRef is the token, ViewRef has historically been the constructor expect(toHtml(app)).toEqual('ViewRef'); expect((comp !.cdr as ViewRef).context).toBe(comp); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(comp !.cdr); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(dirSameInstance !.cdr); }); it('should inject host component ChangeDetectorRef into directives on elements', () => { class MyApp { constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(injectChangeDetectorRef()), /**
{{ dir.value }}
*/ template: function(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', $e0_attrs$, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding(3, bind(load(1).value)); Directive.ngDirectiveDef.h(1, 0); DirectiveSameInstance.ngDirectiveDef.h(2, 0); directiveRefresh(1, 0); directiveRefresh(2, 0); } }); } const app = renderComponent(MyApp); expect(toHtml(app)).toEqual('
'); expect((app !.cdr as ViewRef).context).toBe(app); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(app.cdr); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(dirSameInstance !.cdr); }); it('should inject host component ChangeDetectorRef into directives in ContentChildren', () => { class MyApp { constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(injectChangeDetectorRef()), /** * *
* {{ dir.value }} */ template: function(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, MyComp); { elementStart(2, 'div', $e0_attrs$, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); elementEnd(); } elementEnd(); text(5); } textBinding(5, bind(load(3).value)); MyComp.ngComponentDef.h(1, 0); Directive.ngDirectiveDef.h(3, 2); DirectiveSameInstance.ngDirectiveDef.h(4, 2); directiveRefresh(1, 0); directiveRefresh(3, 2); directiveRefresh(4, 2); } }); } const app = renderComponent(MyApp); expect(toHtml(app)) .toEqual('
ViewRef'); expect((app !.cdr as ViewRef).context).toBe(app); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(app !.cdr); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(dirSameInstance !.cdr); }); it('should inject host component ChangeDetectorRef into directives in embedded views', () => { class MyApp { showing = true; constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(injectChangeDetectorRef()), /** * % if (showing) { *
{{ dir.value }}
* % } */ template: function(ctx: MyApp, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { container(0); } containerRefreshStart(0); { if (ctx.showing) { if (embeddedViewStart(0)) { elementStart(0, 'div', $e0_attrs$, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding(3, bind(load(1).value)); Directive.ngDirectiveDef.h(1, 0); DirectiveSameInstance.ngDirectiveDef.h(2, 0); directiveRefresh(1, 0); directiveRefresh(2, 0); } embeddedViewEnd(); } containerRefreshEnd(); } }); } const app = renderComponent(MyApp); expect(toHtml(app)).toEqual('
'); expect((app !.cdr as ViewRef).context).toBe(app); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(app.cdr); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(dirSameInstance !.cdr); }); it('should inject host component ChangeDetectorRef into directives on containers', () => { class IfDirective { /* @Input */ myIf = true; constructor(public template: TemplateRef, public vcr: ViewContainerRef) {} ngOnChanges() { if (this.myIf) { this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.template); } } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: IfDirective, factory: () => new IfDirective(injectTemplateRef(), injectViewContainerRef()), inputs: {myIf: 'myIf'}, features: [PublicFeature, NgOnChangesFeature] }); } class MyApp { showing = true; constructor(public cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(injectChangeDetectorRef()), /**
{{ dir.value }}
*/ template: function(ctx: MyApp, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { container(0, [IfDirective], C1); } containerRefreshStart(0); { directiveRefresh(1, 0); } containerRefreshEnd(); function C1(ctx1: any, cm1: boolean) { if (cm1) { elementStart(0, 'div', $e0_attrs$, [Directive, DirectiveSameInstance]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding(3, bind(load(1).value)); Directive.ngDirectiveDef.h(1, 0); DirectiveSameInstance.ngDirectiveDef.h(2, 0); directiveRefresh(1, 0); directiveRefresh(2, 0); } } }); } const app = renderComponent(MyApp); expect(toHtml(app)).toEqual('
'); expect((app !.cdr as ViewRef).context).toBe(app); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(app.cdr); expect(dir !.cdr).toBe(dirSameInstance !.cdr); }); }); describe('inject', () => { describe('bloom filter', () => { let di: LInjector; beforeEach(() => { di = {} as any; di.bf0 = 0; di.bf1 = 0; di.bf2 = 0; di.bf3 = 0; di.cbf0 = 0; di.cbf1 = 0; di.cbf2 = 0; di.cbf3 = 0; }); function bloomState() { return [di.bf3, di.bf2, di.bf1, di.bf0]; } it('should add values', () => { bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 0 } as any); expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 0, 1]); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 32 + 1 } as any); expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 0, 2, 1]); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 64 + 2 } as any); expect(bloomState()).toEqual([0, 4, 2, 1]); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 96 + 3 } as any); expect(bloomState()).toEqual([8, 4, 2, 1]); }); it('should query values', () => { bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 0 } as any); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 32 } as any); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 64 } as any); bloomAdd(di, { __NG_ELEMENT_ID__: 96 } as any); expect(bloomFindPossibleInjector(di, 0)).toEqual(di); expect(bloomFindPossibleInjector(di, 1)).toEqual(null); expect(bloomFindPossibleInjector(di, 32)).toEqual(di); expect(bloomFindPossibleInjector(di, 64)).toEqual(di); expect(bloomFindPossibleInjector(di, 96)).toEqual(di); }); }); describe('flags', () => { it('should return defaultValue not found', () => { class MyApp { constructor(public value: string) {} static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: MyApp, tag: 'my-app', factory: () => new MyApp(inject(String as any, InjectFlags.Default, 'DefaultValue')), template: () => null }); } const myApp = renderComponent(MyApp); expect(myApp.value).toEqual('DefaultValue'); }); }); it('should inject from parent view', () => { class ParentDirective { static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: ParentDirective, factory: () => new ParentDirective(), features: [PublicFeature] }); } class ChildDirective { value: string; constructor(public parent: ParentDirective) { this.value = (parent.constructor as any).name; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: ChildDirective, factory: () => new ChildDirective(inject(ParentDirective)), features: [PublicFeature] }); } class Child2Directive { value: boolean; constructor(parent: ParentDirective, child: ChildDirective) { this.value = parent === child.parent; } static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({ type: Child2Directive, factory: () => new Child2Directive(inject(ParentDirective), inject(ChildDirective)) }); } function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) { if (cm) { elementStart(0, 'div', null, [ParentDirective]); { container(2); } elementEnd(); } containerRefreshStart(2); { if (embeddedViewStart(0)) { elementStart(0, 'span', null, [ChildDirective, Child2Directive]); { text(3); } elementEnd(); } textBinding( 3, interpolation2( '', load(1).value, '-', load(2).value, '')); embeddedViewEnd(); } containerRefreshEnd(); } expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual('
'); }); it('should inject from module Injector', () => { }); }); describe('getOrCreateNodeInjector', () => { it('should handle initial undefined state', () => { const contentView = createLView(-1, null !, createTView(), null, null, LViewFlags.CheckAlways); const oldView = enterView(contentView, null !); try { const parent = createLNode(0, LNodeFlags.Element, null, null); // Simulate the situation where the previous parent is not initialized. // This happens on first bootstrap because we don't init existing values // so that we have smaller HelloWorld. (parent as{parent: any}).parent = undefined; const injector = getOrCreateNodeInjector(); expect(injector).not.toBe(null); } finally { leaveView(oldView); } }); }); });