/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ // Imports import * as validateConfig from './config'; import {validateCommitMessage} from './validate'; // Constants const config = { 'commitMessage': { 'maxLineLength': 120, 'minBodyLength': 0, 'types': [ 'feat', 'fix', 'refactor', 'release', 'style', ], 'scopes': [ 'common', 'compiler', 'core', 'packaging', ] } }; const TYPES = config.commitMessage.types.join(', '); const SCOPES = config.commitMessage.scopes.join(', '); const INVALID = false; const VALID = true; // TODO(josephperrott): Clean up tests to test script rather than for // specific commit messages we want to use. describe('validate-commit-message.js', () => { let lastError: string = ''; beforeEach(() => { lastError = ''; spyOn(console, 'error').and.callFake((msg: string) => lastError = msg); spyOn(validateConfig, 'getCommitMessageConfig').and.returnValue(config); }); describe('validateMessage()', () => { it('should be valid', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('feat(packaging): something')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('release(packaging): something')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('fixup! release(packaging): something')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('squash! release(packaging): something')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('Revert: "release(packaging): something"')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); }); it('should validate max length', () => { const msg = 'fix(compiler): something super mega extra giga tera long, maybe even longer and longer and longer and longer and longer and longer...'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(`The commit message header is longer than ${ config.commitMessage.maxLineLength} characters`); }); it('should validate "<type>(<scope>): <subject>" format', () => { const msg = 'not correct format'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(`The commit message header does not match the expected format.`); }); it('should fail when type is invalid', () => { const msg = 'weird(core): something'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(`'weird' is not an allowed type.\n => TYPES: ${TYPES}`); }); it('should fail when scope is invalid', () => { const errorMessageFor = (scope: string, header: string) => `'${scope}' is not an allowed scope.\n => SCOPES: ${SCOPES}`; expect(validateCommitMessage('fix(Compiler): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('Compiler', 'fix(Compiler): something')); expect(validateCommitMessage('feat(bah): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('bah', 'feat(bah): something')); expect(validateCommitMessage('style(webworker): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('webworker', 'style(webworker): something')); expect(validateCommitMessage('refactor(security): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('security', 'refactor(security): something')); expect(validateCommitMessage('refactor(docs): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('docs', 'refactor(docs): something')); expect(validateCommitMessage('release(angular): something')).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(errorMessageFor('angular', 'release(angular): something')); }); it('should allow empty scope', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('fix: blablabla')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); }); // We do not want to allow WIP. It is OK to fail the PR build in this case to show that there is // work still to be done (i.e. fixing the commit message). it('should not allow "WIP: ..." syntax', () => { const msg = 'WIP: fix: something'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(`'WIP' is not an allowed type.\n => TYPES: ${TYPES}`); }); describe('(revert)', () => { it('should allow valid "revert: ..." syntaxes', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('revert: anything')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('Revert: "anything"')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('revert anything')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); expect(validateCommitMessage('rEvErT anything')).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); }); it('should not allow "revert(scope): ..." syntax', () => { const msg = 'revert(compiler): reduce generated code payload size by 65%'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain(`'revert' is not an allowed type.\n => TYPES: ${TYPES}`); }); // https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/23479 it('should allow typical Angular messages generated by git', () => { const msg = 'Revert "fix(compiler): Pretty print object instead of [Object object] (#22689)" (#23442)'; expect(validateCommitMessage(msg)).toBe(VALID); expect(lastError).toBe(''); }); }); describe('(squash)', () => { describe('without `disallowSquash`', () => { it('should return commits as valid', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('squash! feat(core): add feature')).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage('squash! fix: a bug')).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage('squash! fix a typo')).toBe(VALID); }); }); describe('with `disallowSquash`', () => { it('should fail', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('fix(core): something', {disallowSquash: true})).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage('squash! fix(core): something', { disallowSquash: true })).toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain( 'The commit must be manually squashed into the target commit'); }); }); }); describe('(fixup)', () => { describe('without `nonFixupCommitHeaders`', () => { it('should return commits as valid', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('fixup! feat(core): add feature')).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage('fixup! fix: a bug')).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage('fixup! fixup! fix: a bug')).toBe(VALID); }); }); describe('with `nonFixupCommitHeaders`', () => { it('should check that the fixup commit matches a non-fixup one', () => { const msg = 'fixup! foo'; expect(validateCommitMessage( msg, {disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']})) .toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage( msg, {disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: ['bar', 'baz', 'foo']})) .toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage( msg, {disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: ['baz', 'foo', 'bar']})) .toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage( msg, {disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: ['qux', 'quux', 'quuux']})) .toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain( 'Unable to find match for fixup commit among prior commits: \n' + ' qux\n' + ' quux\n' + ' quuux'); }); it('should fail if `nonFixupCommitHeaders` is empty', () => { expect(validateCommitMessage('refactor(core): make reactive', { disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: [] })).toBe(VALID); expect(validateCommitMessage( 'fixup! foo', {disallowSquash: false, nonFixupCommitHeaders: []})) .toBe(INVALID); expect(lastError).toContain( `Unable to find match for fixup commit among prior commits: -`); }); }); }); }); });