// Imports import * as fs from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import {AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME, AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT, AIO_WWW_USER} from '../common/env-variables'; import {computeShortSha} from '../common/utils'; import {ALT_SHA, BuildNums, PrNums, SHA, SIMILAR_SHA} from './constants'; import {helper as h, makeCurl, payload} from './helper'; import {customMatchers} from './jasmine-custom-matchers'; // Tests describe('preview-server', () => { const hostname = AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_HOSTNAME; const port = AIO_PREVIEW_SERVER_PORT; const host = `http://${hostname}:${port}`; beforeEach(() => jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000); beforeEach(() => jasmine.addMatchers(customMatchers)); afterEach(() => h.cleanUp()); describe(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, () => { const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/can-have-public-preview`, { defaultData: null, defaultExtraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`, defaultHeaders: [], defaultMethod: 'GET', }); it('should disallow non-GET requests', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/; await Promise.all([ curl({method: 'POST'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/; await Promise.all([ curl({extraPath: `/foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({extraPath: `-foo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({extraPath: `nfoo/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({extraPath: '/f00'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({extraPath: '/'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should respond with 500 if checking for significant file changes fails', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_404}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_404/)), curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /CHANGED_FILES_ERROR/)), ]); }); it('should respond with 200 (false) if no significant files were touched', async () => { const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({ canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'No significant files touched.', }); await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)); }); it('should respond with 500 if checking "trusted" status fails', async () => { await curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(500, 'TRUST_CHECK_ERROR')); }); it('should respond with 200 (false) if the PR is not automatically verifiable as "trusted"', async () => { const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({ canHavePublicPreview: false, reason: 'Not automatically verifiable as \\"trusted\\".', }); await Promise.all([ curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_INACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)), curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)), ]); }); it('should respond with 200 (true) if the PR can have a public preview', async () => { const expectedResponse = JSON.stringify({ canHavePublicPreview: true, reason: null, }); await Promise.all([ curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)), curl({extraPath: `/${PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_TRUSTED_LABEL}`}).then(h.verifyResponse(200, expectedResponse)), ]); }); }); describe(`${host}/circle-build`, () => { const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/circle-build`); it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/; await Promise.all([ curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({url: `${host}/foo/circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/foo-circle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/fooncircle-build`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/circle-build-foo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/circle-buildnfoo`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/circle-build/pr`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), curl({url: `${host}/circle-build42`}).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), ]); }); it('should respond with 400 if the body is not valid', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl({ data: { payload: {} } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1 } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl({ data: { payload: { build_num: 1, build_parameters: {} } } }).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl(payload(0)).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), curl(payload(-1)).then(h.verifyResponse(400)), ]); }); it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI API request errors', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 204 if the build on CircleCI failed', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_BUILD_FAILED)).then(h.verifyResponse(204)); }); it('should respond with 500 if the github org from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_ORG)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 500 if the github repo from CircleCI does not match what is configured', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_INFO_INVALID_GH_REPO)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 500 if the github files API errors', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 204 if no significant files are changed by the PR', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.CHANGED_FILES_NONE)).then(h.verifyResponse(204)); }); it('should respond with 500 if the CircleCI artifact API fails', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.BUILD_ARTIFACTS_MISSING)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 500 if fetching the artifact errors', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); await curl(payload(BuildNums.DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACT_404)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); }); it('should respond with 500 if the GH trusted API fails', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); }); it('should respond with 201 if a new public build is created', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER)) .then(h.verifyResponse(201)); expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should respond with 202 if a new private build is created', async () => { await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED)).then(h.verifyResponse(202)); expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(); }); [true].forEach(isPublic => { const build = isPublic ? BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER : BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED; const prNum = isPublic ? PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER : PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED; const label = isPublic ? 'public' : 'non-public'; const overwriteRe = RegExp(`^Request to overwrite existing ${label} directory`); const statusCode = isPublic ? 201 : 202; describe(`for ${label} builds`, () => { it('should extract the contents of the build artifact', async () => { await curl(payload(build)) .then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)) .toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /index.html`); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'foo/bar.js', isPublic)) .toContain(`PR: ${prNum} | SHA: ${SHA} | File: /foo/bar.js`); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it(`should create files/directories owned by '${AIO_WWW_USER}'`, async () => { await curl(payload(build)) .then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA); const { stdout: allFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir}`); const { stdout: userFiles } = await h.runCmd(`find ${shaDir} -user ${AIO_WWW_USER}`); expect(userFiles).toBe(allFiles); expect(userFiles).toContain(shaDir); expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'index.html')); expect(userFiles).toContain(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js')); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should delete the build artifact file', async () => { await curl(payload(build)) .then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); expect({ prNum, SHA }).not.toExistAsAnArtifact(); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should make the build directory non-writable', async () => { await curl(payload(build)) .then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); // See https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/3045#issuecomment-4862588. const isNotWritable = (fileOrDir: string) => { const mode = fs.statSync(fileOrDir).mode; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise return !(mode & parseInt('222', 8)); }; const shaDir = h.getShaDir(h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic), SHA); expect(isNotWritable(shaDir)).toBe(true); expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'index.html'))).toBe(true); expect(isNotWritable(join(shaDir, 'foo', 'bar.js'))).toBe(true); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should ignore a legacy 40-chars long build directory (even if it starts with the same chars)', async () => { // It is possible that 40-chars long build directories exist, if they had been deployed // before implementing the shorter build directory names. In that case, we don't want the // second (shorter) name to be considered the same as the old one (even if they originate // from the same SHA). h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic, false, true); h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic, true); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content'); await curl(payload(build)) .then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, false)).toContain('index.html'); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic, true)).toBe('My content'); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: false }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA, isLegacy: true }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it(`should not overwrite existing builds`, async () => { // setup a build already in place h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, isPublic); // distinguish this build from the downloaded one h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic); await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe)); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content'); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); }); it(`should not overwrite existing builds (even if the SHA is different)`, async () => { // Since only the first few characters of the SHA are used, it is possible for two different // SHAs to correspond to the same directory. In that case, we don't want the second SHA to // overwrite the first. expect(SIMILAR_SHA).not.toEqual(SHA); expect(computeShortSha(SIMILAR_SHA)).toEqual(computeShortSha(SHA)); h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, isPublic); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toContain('index.html'); h.writeBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', 'My content', isPublic); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content'); await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, overwriteRe)); expect(h.readBuildFile(prNum, SIMILAR_SHA, 'index.html', isPublic)).toBe('My content'); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, sha: SIMILAR_SHA }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); }); it('should only delete the SHA directory on error (for existing PR)', async () => { h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic); await curl(payload(BuildNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR)).then(h.verifyResponse(500)); expect({ prNum: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: SHA }).not.toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild(); }); describe('when the PR\'s visibility has changed', () => { it('should update the PR\'s visibility', async () => { h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic); await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(statusCode)); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, isPublic, sha: ALT_SHA }).toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should not overwrite existing builds (but keep the updated visibility)', async () => { h.createDummyBuild(prNum, SHA, !isPublic); await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409)); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, isPublic: !isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild(); // since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should? expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); }); it('should reject the request if it fails to update the PR\'s visibility', async () => { // One way to cause an error is to have both a public and a hidden directory for the same PR. h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, isPublic); h.createDummyBuild(prNum, ALT_SHA, !isPublic); const errorRegex = new RegExp(`^Request to move '${h.getPrDir(prNum, !isPublic)}' ` + `to existing directory '${h.getPrDir(prNum, isPublic)}'.`); await curl(payload(build)).then(h.verifyResponse(409, errorRegex)); expect({ prNum, isPublic }).not.toExistAsABuild(); // The bad folders should have been deleted expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum, sha: ALT_SHA, isPublic: !isPublic }).toExistAsABuild(); // since it errored we didn't clear up the downloaded artifact - perhaps we should? expect({ prNum }).toExistAsAnArtifact(); }); }); }); }); }); describe(`${host}/health-check`, () => { it('should respond with 200', done => { Promise.all([ h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/`).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]).then(done); }); it('should respond with 404 if the path does not match exactly', done => { Promise.all([ h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-check-foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/health-checknfoo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo/health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foo-health-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/foonhealth-check`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), ]).then(done); }); }); describe(`${host}/pr-updated`, () => { const curl = makeCurl(`${host}/pr-updated`); it('should disallow non-POST requests', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource in request/; await Promise.all([ curl({method: 'GET'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PUT'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'PATCH'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), curl({method: 'DELETE'}).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should respond with 400 for requests without a payload', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/; await Promise.all([ curl({ data: '' }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)), curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should respond with 400 for requests without a \'number\' field', async () => { const bodyRegex = /^Missing or empty 'number' field in request/; await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)), curl({ data: { number: null} }).then(h.verifyResponse(400, bodyRegex)), ]); }); it('should reject requests for which checking the PR visibility fails', async () => { await curl({ data: { number: PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ERROR } }).then(h.verifyResponse(500, /TRUST_CHECK_ERROR/)); }); it('should respond with 404 for unknown paths', done => { const mockPayload = JSON.stringify({number: 1}); // MockExternalApiFlags.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER }); const cmdPrefix = `curl -iLX POST --data "${mockPayload}" ${host}`; Promise.all([ h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/foo/pr-updated`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/foo-pr-updated`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/foonpr-updated`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/pr-updated/foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/pr-updated-foo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), h.runCmd(`${cmdPrefix}/pr-updatednfoo`).then(h.verifyResponse(404)), ]).then(done); }); it('should do nothing if PR\'s visibility is already up-to-date', async () => { const publicPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER; const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED; const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => { // Public build is already public. expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove); expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove); // Hidden build is already hidden. expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove); }; h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, true); h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, false); checkVisibilities(false); await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]); // Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change. checkVisibilities(true); }); it('should do nothing if \'action\' implies no visibility change', async () => { const publicPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER; const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED; const checkVisibilities = (remove: boolean) => { // Public build is hidden atm. expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(remove); expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove); // Hidden build is public atm. expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(remove); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(remove); }; h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false); h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true); checkVisibilities(false); await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'foo' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]); // Visibilities should not have changed, because the specified action could not have triggered a change. checkVisibilities(true); }); describe('when the visiblity has changed', () => { const publicPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_ACTIVE_TRUSTED_USER; const hiddenPr = PrNums.TRUST_CHECK_UNTRUSTED; beforeEach(() => { // Create initial PR builds with opposite visibilities as the ones that will be reported: // - The now public PR was previously hidden. // - The now hidden PR was previously public. h.createDummyBuild(publicPr, SHA, false); h.createDummyBuild(hiddenPr, SHA, true); expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(false); expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(false); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(false); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(false); }); afterEach(() => { // Expect PRs' visibility to have been updated: // - The public PR should be actually public (previously it was hidden). // - The hidden PR should be actually hidden (previously it was public). expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: false }).not.toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum: publicPr, isPublic: true }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: false }).toExistAsABuild(); expect({ prNum: hiddenPr, isPublic: true }).not.toExistAsABuild(); }); it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: undefined)', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {number: +publicPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]); }); it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: labeled)', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'labeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]); }); it('should update the PR\'s visibility (action: unlabeled)', async () => { await Promise.all([ curl({ data: {number: +publicPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), curl({ data: {number: +hiddenPr, action: 'unlabeled' } }).then(h.verifyResponse(200)), ]); }); }); }); describe(`${host}/*`, () => { it('should respond with 404 for requests to unknown URLs', done => { const bodyRegex = /^Unknown resource/; Promise.all([ h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/index.html`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}/`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iL ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PUT ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iLX POST ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iLX PATCH ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), h.runCmd(`curl -iLX DELETE ${host}`).then(h.verifyResponse(404, bodyRegex)), ]).then(done); }); }); });