import {describe, beforeEach, it, xit, expect, iit, ddescribe, el} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {isPresent, isBlank, assertionsEnabled} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection'; import {DirectiveParser} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/directive_parser'; import {CompilePipeline} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compile_pipeline'; import {CompileStep} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compile_step'; import {CompileElement} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compile_element'; import {CompileControl} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compile_control'; import {ViewDefinition, DirectiveMetadata} from 'angular2/src/render/api'; import {Lexer, Parser} from 'angular2/change_detection'; export function main() { describe('DirectiveParser', () => { var parser, annotatedDirectives; beforeEach( () => { annotatedDirectives = [ someComponent, someComponent2, someViewport, someViewport2, someDecorator, someDecoratorIgnoringChildren, decoratorWithMultipleAttrs, someDecoratorWithProps, someDecoratorWithHostProperties, someDecoratorWithEvents, someDecoratorWithGlobalEvents ]; parser = new Parser(new Lexer()); }); function createPipeline(propertyBindings = null, directives = null) { if (isBlank(directives)) directives = annotatedDirectives; return new CompilePipeline([ new MockStep( (parent, current, control) => { if (isPresent(propertyBindings)) { StringMapWrapper.forEach(propertyBindings, (ast, name) => { current.bindElement().bindProperty(name, ast); }); } }), new DirectiveParser(parser, directives) ]); } function process(el, propertyBindings = null, directives = null) { var pipeline = createPipeline(propertyBindings, directives); return, (ce) => ce.inheritedElementBinder ); } it('should not add directives if they are not used', () => { var results = process(el('
')); expect(results[0]).toBe(null); }); it('should detect directives in attributes', () => { var results = process(el('
')); expect(results[0].directives[0].directiveIndex).toBe( annotatedDirectives.indexOf(someDecorator) ); }); it('should detect directives with multiple attributes', () => { var results = process(el('')); expect(results[0].directives[0].directiveIndex).toBe( annotatedDirectives.indexOf(decoratorWithMultipleAttrs) ); }); it('should compile children by default', () => { var results = createPipeline().process(el('
')); expect(results[0].compileChildren).toEqual(true); }); it('should stop compiling children when specified in the directive config', () => { var results = createPipeline().process(el('
')); expect(results[0].compileChildren).toEqual(false); }); it('should bind directive properties from bound properties', () => { var results = process( el('
'), { 'elProp': parser.parseBinding('someExpr', '') } ); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; expect(MapWrapper.get(directiveBinding.propertyBindings, 'dirProp').source) .toEqual('someExpr'); }); it('should bind directive properties with pipes', () => { var results = process( el('
'), { 'elProp': parser.parseBinding('someExpr', '') } ); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; var pipedProp = MapWrapper.get(directiveBinding.propertyBindings, 'doubleProp'); var simpleProp = MapWrapper.get(directiveBinding.propertyBindings, 'dirProp'); expect('double'); expect(pipedProp.ast.exp).toEqual(simpleProp.ast); expect(simpleProp.source).toEqual('someExpr'); }); it('should bind directive properties from attribute values', () => { var results = process( el('
') ); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; var simpleProp = MapWrapper.get(directiveBinding.propertyBindings, 'dirProp'); expect(simpleProp.source).toEqual('someValue'); }); it('should bind host directive properties', () => { var element = el(''); var results = process(element); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; var ast = MapWrapper.get(directiveBinding.hostPropertyBindings, 'hostProperty'); expect(ast.source).toEqual('dirProp'); }); it('should read attribute values', () => { var element = el(''); var results = process(element); expect(MapWrapper.get(results[0].readAttributes, 'some-attr')).toEqual('someValue'); }); it('should bind directive events', () => { var results = process( el('
') ); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; expect(directiveBinding.eventBindings.length).toEqual(1); var eventBinding = directiveBinding.eventBindings[0]; expect(eventBinding.fullName).toEqual('click'); expect(eventBinding.source.source).toEqual('doIt()'); }); it('should bind directive global events', () => { var results = process( el('
') ); var directiveBinding = results[0].directives[0]; expect(directiveBinding.eventBindings.length).toEqual(1); var eventBinding = directiveBinding.eventBindings[0]; expect(eventBinding.fullName).toEqual('window:resize'); expect(eventBinding.source.source).toEqual('doItGlobal()'); }); //TODO: assertions should be enabled when running tests: describe('viewport directives', () => { it('should not allow multiple viewport directives on the same element', () => { expect( () => { process( el('') ); }).toThrowError('Only one viewport directive is allowed per element - check ' + (assertionsEnabled() ? '