/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as path from 'path'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; const baseTsOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { // We don't want symbols from external modules to be resolved, so we use the // classic algorithm. moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic }; export interface SerializationOptions { /** * Removes all exports matching the regular expression. */ stripExportPattern?: RegExp; /** * Whitelists these identifiers as modules in the output. For example, * ``` * import * as angular from './angularjs'; * * export class Foo extends angular.Bar {} * ``` * will produce `export class Foo extends angular.Bar {}` and requires * whitelisting angular. */ allowModuleIdentifiers?: string[]; } export type DiagnosticSeverity = 'warn' | 'error' | 'none'; export function publicApi(fileName: string, options: SerializationOptions = {}): string { return publicApiInternal(ts.createCompilerHost(baseTsOptions), fileName, baseTsOptions, options); } export function publicApiInternal( host: ts.CompilerHost, fileName: string, tsOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, options: SerializationOptions = {}): string { const entrypoint = path.normalize(fileName); if (!entrypoint.match(/\.d\.ts$/)) { throw new Error(`Source file "${fileName}" is not a declaration file`); } const program = ts.createProgram([entrypoint], tsOptions, host); return new ResolvedDeclarationEmitter(program, entrypoint, options).emit(); } interface Diagnostic { type?: DiagnosticSeverity; message: string; } class ResolvedDeclarationEmitter { private program: ts.Program; private fileName: string; private typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker; private options: SerializationOptions; private diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; constructor(program: ts.Program, fileName: string, options: SerializationOptions) { this.program = program; this.fileName = fileName; this.options = options; this.diagnostics = []; this.typeChecker = this.program.getTypeChecker(); } emit(): string { const sourceFile = this.program.getSourceFiles().find(sf => sf.fileName === this.fileName); if (!sourceFile) { throw new Error(`Source file "${this.fileName}" not found`); } let output = ''; const resolvedSymbols = this.getResolvedSymbols(sourceFile); // Sort all symbols so that the output is more deterministic resolvedSymbols.sort(symbolCompareFunction); for (const symbol of resolvedSymbols) { if (this.options.stripExportPattern && symbol.name.match(this.options.stripExportPattern)) { continue; } let decl: ts.Node|undefined = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0]; if (!decl) { this.diagnostics.push({ type: 'warn', message: `${sourceFile.fileName}: error: No declaration found for symbol "${symbol.name}"` }); continue; } // The declaration node may not be a complete statement, e.g. for var/const // symbols. We need to find the complete export statement by traversing // upwards. while (!hasModifier(decl, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) && decl.parent) { decl = decl.parent; } if (hasModifier(decl, ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)) { // Make an empty line between two exports if (output) { output += '\n'; } // Print stability annotation const sourceText = decl.getSourceFile().text; const trivia = sourceText.substr(decl.pos, decl.getLeadingTriviaWidth()); const match = stabilityAnnotationPattern.exec(trivia); if (match) { output += `/** @${match[1]} */\n`; } output += stripEmptyLines(this.emitNode(decl)) + '\n'; } else { // This may happen for symbols re-exported from external modules. this.diagnostics.push({ type: 'warn', message: createErrorMessage(decl, `No export declaration found for symbol "${symbol.name}"`) }); } } if (this.diagnostics.length) { const message = this.diagnostics.map(d => d.message).join('\n'); console.warn(message); if (this.diagnostics.some(d => d.type === 'error')) { throw new Error(message); } } return output; } private getResolvedSymbols(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): ts.Symbol[] { const ms = (sourceFile).symbol; const rawSymbols = ms ? (this.typeChecker.getExportsOfModule(ms) || []) : []; return rawSymbols.map(s => { if (s.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Alias) { const resolvedSymbol = this.typeChecker.getAliasedSymbol(s); // This will happen, e.g. for symbols re-exported from external modules. if (!resolvedSymbol.valueDeclaration && !resolvedSymbol.declarations) { return s; } if (resolvedSymbol.name !== s.name) { if (this.options.stripExportPattern && s.name.match(this.options.stripExportPattern)) { return s; } throw new Error( `Symbol "${resolvedSymbol.name}" was aliased as "${s.name}". ` + `Aliases are not supported."`); } return resolvedSymbol; } else { return s; } }); } emitNode(node: ts.Node) { if (hasModifier(node, ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword)) { return ''; } const firstQualifier: ts.Identifier|null = getFirstQualifier(node); if (firstQualifier) { let isAllowed = false; // Try to resolve the qualifier. const resolvedSymbol = this.typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(firstQualifier); if (resolvedSymbol && resolvedSymbol.declarations && resolvedSymbol.declarations.length > 0) { // If the qualifier can be resolved, and it's not a namespaced import, then it should be // allowed. isAllowed = resolvedSymbol.declarations.every(decl => decl.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport); } // If it is not allowed otherwise, it's allowed if it's on the list of allowed identifiers. isAllowed = isAllowed || !(!this.options.allowModuleIdentifiers || this.options.allowModuleIdentifiers.indexOf(firstQualifier.text) < 0); if (!isAllowed) { this.diagnostics.push({ type: 'error', message: createErrorMessage( firstQualifier, `Module identifier "${firstQualifier.text}" is not allowed. Remove it ` + `from source or whitelist it via --allowModuleIdentifiers.`) }); } } let children: ts.Node[] = []; if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node)) { // Used ts.isFunctionDeclaration instead of node.kind because this is a type guard const symbol = this.typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node.name); symbol.declarations.forEach(x => children = children.concat(x.getChildren())); } else { children = node.getChildren(); } const sourceText = node.getSourceFile().text; if (children.length) { // Sort declarations under a class or an interface if (node.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SyntaxList) { switch (node.parent && node.parent.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: { // There can be multiple SyntaxLists under a class or an interface, // since SyntaxList is just an arbitrary data structure generated // by Node#getChildren(). We need to check that we are sorting the // right list. if (children.every(node => node.kind in memberDeclarationOrder)) { children = children.slice(); children.sort((a: ts.NamedDeclaration, b: ts.NamedDeclaration) => { // Static after normal return compareFunction( hasModifier(a, ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword), hasModifier(b, ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword)) || // Our predefined order compareFunction( memberDeclarationOrder[a.kind], memberDeclarationOrder[b.kind]) || // Alphebetical order // We need safe dereferencing due to edge cases, e.g. having two call signatures compareFunction((a.name || a).getText(), (b.name || b).getText()); }); } break; } } } let output: string = children.filter(x => x.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.JSDocComment) .map(n => this.emitNode(n)) .join(''); // Print stability annotation for fields if (ts.isParameter(node) || node.kind in memberDeclarationOrder) { const trivia = sourceText.substr(node.pos, node.getLeadingTriviaWidth()); const match = stabilityAnnotationPattern.exec(trivia); if (match) { // Add the annotation after the leading whitespace output = output.replace(/^(\n\s*)/, `$1/** @${match[1]} */ `); } } return output; } else { const ranges = ts.getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceText, node.pos); let tail = node.pos; for (const range of ranges || []) { if (range.end > tail) { tail = range.end; } } return sourceText.substring(tail, node.end); } } } function symbolCompareFunction(a: ts.Symbol, b: ts.Symbol) { return a.name.localeCompare(b.name); } function compareFunction(a: T, b: T) { return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1; } const memberDeclarationOrder: {[key: number]: number} = { [ts.SyntaxKind.PropertySignature]: 0, [ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration]: 0, [ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor]: 0, [ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor]: 0, [ts.SyntaxKind.CallSignature]: 1, [ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor]: 2, [ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature]: 2, [ts.SyntaxKind.IndexSignature]: 3, [ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature]: 4, [ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration]: 4 }; const stabilityAnnotationPattern = /@(experimental|stable|deprecated)\b/; function stripEmptyLines(text: string): string { return text.split('\n').filter(x => !!x.length).join('\n'); } /** * Returns the first qualifier if the input node is a dotted expression. */ function getFirstQualifier(node: ts.Node): ts.Identifier|null { switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: { // For expression position let lhs = node; do { lhs = (lhs).expression; } while (lhs && lhs.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier); return lhs; } case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeReference: { // For type position let lhs: ts.Node = (node).typeName; do { lhs = (lhs).left; } while (lhs && lhs.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier); return lhs; } default: return null; } } function createErrorMessage(node: ts.Node, message: string): string { const sourceFile = node.getSourceFile(); let position; if (sourceFile) { const {line, character} = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart()); position = `${sourceFile.fileName}(${line + 1},${character + 1})`; } else { position = ''; } return `${position}: error: ${message}`; } function hasModifier(node: ts.Node, modifierKind: ts.SyntaxKind): boolean { return !!node.modifiers && node.modifiers.some(x => x.kind === modifierKind); }