# Pushing changes into the Angular 2 tree Please see [Using git with Angular repositories](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h8nijFSaa1jG_UE8v4WP7glh5qOUXnYtAtJh_gwOQHI/edit) for details about how we maintain a linear commit history, and the rules for committing. As a contributor, just read the instructions in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) and send a pull request. Someone with committer access will do the rest. ## The `PR: merge` label and `presubmit-*` branches We have automated the process for merging pull requests into master. Our goal is to minimize the disruption for Angular committers and also prevent breakages on master. When a PR is ready to merge, a project member in the CoreTeamMember list (see below) can add the special label, `PR: merge`. A robot running as [mary-poppins](https://github.com/mary-poppins) is notified that the label was added by an authorized person, and will create a new branch in the angular project, using the convention `presubmit-{username}-pr-{number}`. (Note: if the automation fails, committers can instead push the commits to a branch following this naming scheme.) When a Travis build succeeds for a presubmit branch named following the convention, Travis will re-base the commits, merge to master, and close the PR automatically. Finally, after merge `mary-poppins` removes the presubmit branch. ## Administration The list of users who can trigger a merge by adding the label is stored in our appengine app datastore. Edit the contents of the [CoreTeamMember Table]( https://console.developers.google.com/project/angular2-automation/datastore/query?queryType=KindQuery&namespace=&kind=CoreTeamMember)