import { TestComponentBuilder, AsyncTestCompleter, ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, beforeEachProviders, inject } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import { HtmlAst, HtmlAstVisitor, HtmlElementAst, HtmlAttrAst, HtmlTextAst, htmlVisitAll } from 'angular2/src/compiler/html_ast'; import {LegacyHtmlAstTransformer} from 'angular2/src/compiler/legacy_template'; export function main() { describe('Support for legacy template', () => { describe('Template rewriting', () => { let visitor; beforeEach(() => { visitor = new LegacyHtmlAstTransformer(['yes-mapped']); }); describe('non template elements', () => { it('should rewrite event binding', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'on-dash-case', 'to': 'on-dashCase'}, {'from': 'ON-dash-case', 'to': 'on-dashCase'}, {'from': 'bindon-dash-case', 'to': 'bindon-dashCase'}, {'from': '(dash-case)', 'to': '(dashCase)'}, {'from': '[(dash-case)]', 'to': '[(dashCase)]'}, {'from': 'on-camelCase', 'to': 'on-camelCase'}, {'from': 'bindon-camelCase', 'to': 'bindon-camelCase'}, {'from': '(camelCase)', 'to': '(camelCase)'}, {'from': '[(camelCase)]', 'to': '[(camelCase)]'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should not rewrite style binding', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': '[style.background-color]', 'to': '[style.background-color]'}, {'from': '[style.margin-top.px]', 'to': '[style.margin-top.px]'}, {'from': '[style.camelCase]', 'to': '[style.camelCase]'}, {'from': '[STYLE.camelCase]', 'to': '[style.camelCase]'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should not rewrite attribute bindings', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': '[]', 'to': '[]'}, {'from': '[]', 'to': '[]'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should not rewrite class bindings', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': '[]', 'to': '[]'}, {'from': '[]', 'to': '[]'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite variables', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': '#dash-case', 'to': '#dashCase'}, {'from': 'var-dash-case', 'to': 'var-dashCase'}, {'from': 'VAR-dash-case', 'to': 'var-dashCase'}, {'from': 'VAR-camelCase', 'to': 'var-camelCase'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite variable values', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'dash-case', 'to': 'dashCase'}, {'from': 'lower', 'to': 'lower'}, {'from': 'camelCase', 'to': 'camelCase'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst('#a', f['from'], null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect('#a'); expect(attr.value).toEqual(f['to']); legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst('var-a', f['from'], null); attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect('var-a'); expect(attr.value).toEqual(f['to']); }); }); it('should rewrite variables in template bindings', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'dir: #a-b', 'to': 'dir: #aB'}, {'from': 'dir: var a-b', 'to': 'dir: var aB'}, {'from': 'dir: VAR a-b;', 'to': 'dir: var aB;'}, {'from': 'dir: VAR a-b; #c-d=e', 'to': 'dir: var aB; #cD=e'}, {'from': 'dir: VAR aB; #cD=e', 'to': 'dir: var aB; #cD=e'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst('template', f['from'], null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(attr.value).toEqual(f['to']); }); }); it('should lowercase the "template" attribute', () => { let fixtures = ['Template', 'TEMPLATE', 'template']; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f, 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect('template'); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite property binding', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': '[my-prop]', 'to': '[myProp]'}, {'from': 'bind-my-prop', 'to': 'bind-myProp'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite structural directive selectors template="..."', () => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst('TEMPLATE', 'ng-if condition', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect('template'); expect(attr.value).toEqual('ngIf condition'); }); it('should rewrite *-selectors', () => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst('*ng-for', '#my-item of myItems', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect('*ngFor'); expect(attr.value).toEqual('#myItem of myItems'); }); it('should rewrite directive special cases', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'ng-non-bindable', 'to': 'ngNonBindable'}, {'from': 'yes-mapped', 'to': 'yesMapped'}, {'from': 'no-mapped', 'to': 'no-mapped'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should not rewrite random attributes', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'custom-attr', 'to': 'custom-attr'}, {'from': 'ng-if', 'to': 'ng-if'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite interpolation', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'dash-case', 'to': 'dashCase'}, {'from': 'lcase', 'to': 'lcase'}, {'from': 'camelCase', 'to': 'camelCase'}, {'from': 'attr.dash-case', 'to': 'attr.dash-case'}, {'from': 'class.dash-case', 'to': 'class.dash-case'}, {'from': 'style.dash-case', 'to': 'style.dash-case'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], '{{ exp }}', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('{{ exp }}'); }); }); }); }); describe('template elements', () => { let visitor; beforeEach(() => { visitor = new LegacyHtmlAstTransformer(); visitor.visitingTemplateEl = true; }); it('should rewrite angular constructs', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'on-dash-case', 'to': 'on-dashCase'}, {'from': 'ON-dash-case', 'to': 'on-dashCase'}, {'from': 'bindon-dash-case', 'to': 'bindon-dashCase'}, {'from': '(dash-case)', 'to': '(dashCase)'}, {'from': '[(dash-case)]', 'to': '[(dashCase)]'}, {'from': 'on-camelCase', 'to': 'on-camelCase'}, {'from': 'bindon-camelCase', 'to': 'bindon-camelCase'}, {'from': '(camelCase)', 'to': '(camelCase)'}, {'from': '[(camelCase)]', 'to': '[(camelCase)]'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); it('should rewrite all attributes', () => { let fixtures = [ {'from': 'custom-attr', 'to': 'customAttr'}, {'from': 'ng-if', 'to': 'ngIf'}, ]; fixtures.forEach((f) => { let legacyAttr = new HtmlAttrAst(f['from'], 'expression', null); let attr = visitor.visitAttr(legacyAttr, null); expect(['to']); expect(attr.value).toEqual('expression'); }); }); }); }); }