load("//packages/bazel:index.bzl", "ng_module") load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "jasmine_node_test") load(":extract_flat_module_index.bzl", "extract_flat_module_index") ng_module( name = "test_module", testonly = True, srcs = glob(["*.ts"]), api_extractor = "//packages/bazel/src/api-extractor:api_extractor", compiler = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped", entry_point = "index.ts", flat_module_out_file = "flat_module_filename", module_name = "some_npm_module", ng_xi18n = "//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped:xi18n", node_modules = "@npm//typescript:typescript__typings", tags = [ # Disabled as this test is specific to the flat module indexing of metadata.json files that # the old ngc compiler does. Ivy has no metadata.json files so this test does not apply. "no-ivy-aot", ], deps = [ "//packages/core", "@npm//@types", "@npm//tslib", ], ) extract_flat_module_index( name = "flat_module_index", testonly = True, deps = [":test_module"], ) jasmine_node_test( name = "test", srcs = ["spec.js"], data = [":flat_module_index"], tags = [ # Disabled as this test is specific to the flat module indexing of metadata.json files that # the old ngc compiler does. Ivy has no metadata.json files so this test does not apply. "no-ivy-aot", ], )