#!/usr/bin/env bash # WARNING: NGBUILDS_IO_KEY should NOT be printed. set +x -eu -o pipefail exec 3>&1 readonly INPUT_DIR=dist/ readonly OUTPUT_FILE=/tmp/snapshot.tar.gz readonly AIO_BUILDS_DOMAIN=ngbuilds.io readonly UPLOAD_URL=https://$AIO_BUILDS_DOMAIN/create-build/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST/$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA readonly DEPLOYED_URL=https://pr$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST-$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA.$AIO_BUILDS_DOMAIN readonly skipBuild=$([[ "$1" == "--skip-build" ]] && echo "true" || echo ""); readonly relevantChangedFilesCount=$(git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -P "^(?:aio|packages)/(?!.*[._]spec\.[jt]s$)" | wc -l) ( cd "`dirname $0`/.." # Do not deploy unless this PR has touched relevant files: `aio/` or `packages/` (except for spec files) if [[ $relevantChangedFilesCount -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Skipping deploy because this PR did not touch any relevant files." exit 0 fi # Build the app if [ "$skipBuild" != "true" ]; then yarn build fi tar --create --gzip --directory "$INPUT_DIR" --file "$OUTPUT_FILE" . yarn payload-size # Deploy to staging readonly httpCode=$( curl --include --location --request POST --silent --write-out "\nHTTP_CODE: %{http_code}\n" \ --header "Authorization: Token $NGBUILDS_IO_KEY" --data-binary "@$OUTPUT_FILE" "$UPLOAD_URL" \ | sed 's/\r\n/\n/' \ | tee /dev/fd/3 \ | tail -1 \ | sed 's/HTTP_CODE: //' ) # Exit with an error if the request failed. # (Ignore 409 failures, which mean trying to re-deploy for the same PR/SHA.) if [ $httpCode -lt 200 ] || ([ $httpCode -ge 400 ] && [ $httpCode -ne 409 ]); then exit 1 fi # Run PWA-score tests (unless the deployment is not public yet; # i.e. it could not be automatically verified). if [ $httpCode -ne 202 ]; then yarn test-pwa-score -- "$DEPLOYED_URL" "$MIN_PWA_SCORE" "$PWA_RESULTS_LOG" fi )