/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ListChoiceOptions, prompt} from 'inquirer'; import {spawnWithDebugOutput} from '../../utils/child-process'; import {GithubConfig} from '../../utils/config'; import {debug, error, info, log, promptConfirm, red, yellow} from '../../utils/console'; import {AuthenticatedGitClient} from '../../utils/git/authenticated-git-client'; import {ReleaseConfig} from '../config/index'; import {ActiveReleaseTrains, fetchActiveReleaseTrains, nextBranchName} from '../versioning/active-release-trains'; import {npmIsLoggedIn, npmLogin, npmLogout} from '../versioning/npm-publish'; import {printActiveReleaseTrains} from '../versioning/print-active-trains'; import {GithubRepoWithApi} from '../versioning/version-branches'; import {ReleaseAction} from './actions'; import {FatalReleaseActionError, UserAbortedReleaseActionError} from './actions-error'; import {actions} from './actions/index'; export enum CompletionState { SUCCESS, FATAL_ERROR, MANUALLY_ABORTED, } export class ReleaseTool { /** The singleton instance of the authenticated git client. */ private _git = AuthenticatedGitClient.get(); /** The previous git commit to return back to after the release tool runs. */ private previousGitBranchOrRevision = this._git.getCurrentBranchOrRevision(); constructor( protected _config: ReleaseConfig, protected _github: GithubConfig, protected _projectRoot: string) {} /** Runs the interactive release tool. */ async run(): Promise { log(); log(yellow('--------------------------------------------')); log(yellow(' Angular Dev-Infra release staging script')); log(yellow('--------------------------------------------')); log(); if (!await this._verifyEnvironmentHasPython3Symlink() || !await this._verifyNoUncommittedChanges() || !await this._verifyRunningFromNextBranch()) { return CompletionState.FATAL_ERROR; } if (!await this._verifyNpmLoginState()) { return CompletionState.MANUALLY_ABORTED; } const {owner, name} = this._github; const repo: GithubRepoWithApi = {owner, name, api: this._git.github}; const releaseTrains = await fetchActiveReleaseTrains(repo); // Print the active release trains so that the caretaker can access // the current project branching state without switching context. await printActiveReleaseTrains(releaseTrains, this._config); const action = await this._promptForReleaseAction(releaseTrains); try { await action.perform(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof UserAbortedReleaseActionError) { return CompletionState.MANUALLY_ABORTED; } // Only print the error message and stack if the error is not a known fatal release // action error (for which we print the error gracefully to the console with colors). if (!(e instanceof FatalReleaseActionError) && e instanceof Error) { console.error(e); } return CompletionState.FATAL_ERROR; } finally { await this.cleanup(); } return CompletionState.SUCCESS; } /** Run post release tool cleanups. */ private async cleanup(): Promise { // Return back to the git state from before the release tool ran. this._git.checkout(this.previousGitBranchOrRevision, true); // Ensure log out of NPM. await npmLogout(this._config.publishRegistry); } /** Prompts the caretaker for a release action that should be performed. */ private async _promptForReleaseAction(activeTrains: ActiveReleaseTrains) { const choices: ListChoiceOptions[] = []; // Find and instantiate all release actions which are currently valid. for (let actionType of actions) { if (await actionType.isActive(activeTrains, this._config)) { const action: ReleaseAction = new actionType(activeTrains, this._git, this._config, this._projectRoot); choices.push({name: await action.getDescription(), value: action}); } } info('Please select the type of release you want to perform.'); const {releaseAction} = await prompt<{releaseAction: ReleaseAction}>({ name: 'releaseAction', message: 'Please select an action:', type: 'list', choices, }); return releaseAction; } /** * Verifies that there are no uncommitted changes in the project. * @returns a boolean indicating success or failure. */ private async _verifyNoUncommittedChanges(): Promise { if (this._git.hasUncommittedChanges()) { error(red(' ✘ There are changes which are not committed and should be discarded.')); return false; } return true; } /** * Verifies that Python can be resolved within scripts and points to a compatible version. Python * is required in Bazel actions as there can be tools (such as `skydoc`) that rely on it. * @returns a boolean indicating success or failure. */ private async _verifyEnvironmentHasPython3Symlink(): Promise { try { // Note: We do not rely on `/usr/bin/env` but rather access the `env` binary directly as it // should be part of the shell's `$PATH`. This is necessary for compatibility with Windows. const pyVersion = await spawnWithDebugOutput('env', ['python', '--version'], {mode: 'silent'}); const version = pyVersion.stdout.trim() || pyVersion.stderr.trim(); if (version.startsWith('Python 3.')) { debug(`Local python version: ${version}`); return true; } error(red(` ✘ \`/usr/bin/python\` is currently symlinked to "${version}", please update`)); error(red(' the symlink to link instead to Python3')); error(); error(red(' Googlers: please run the following command to symlink python to python3:')); error(red(' sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python')); return false; } catch { error(red(' ✘ `/usr/bin/python` does not exist, please ensure `/usr/bin/python` is')); error(red(' symlinked to Python3.')); error(); error(red(' Googlers: please run the following command to symlink python to python3:')); error(red(' sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python')); } return false; } /** * Verifies that the next branch from the configured repository is checked out. * @returns a boolean indicating success or failure. */ private async _verifyRunningFromNextBranch(): Promise { const headSha = this._git.run(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']).stdout.trim(); const {data} = await this._git.github.repos.getBranch({...this._git.remoteParams, branch: nextBranchName}); if (headSha !== data.commit.sha) { error(red(' ✘ Running release tool from an outdated local branch.')); error(red(` Please make sure you are running from the "${nextBranchName}" branch.`)); return false; } return true; } /** * Verifies that the user is logged into NPM at the correct registry, if defined for the release. * @returns a boolean indicating whether the user is logged into NPM. */ private async _verifyNpmLoginState(): Promise { const registry = `NPM at the ${this._config.publishRegistry ?? 'default NPM'} registry`; // TODO(josephperrott): remove wombat specific block once wombot allows `npm whoami` check to // check the status of the local token in the .npmrc file. if (this._config.publishRegistry?.includes('wombat-dressing-room.appspot.com')) { info('Unable to determine NPM login state for wombat proxy, requiring login now.'); try { await npmLogin(this._config.publishRegistry); } catch { return false; } return true; } if (await npmIsLoggedIn(this._config.publishRegistry)) { debug(`Already logged into ${registry}.`); return true; } error(red(` ✘ Not currently logged into ${registry}.`)); const shouldLogin = await promptConfirm('Would you like to log into NPM now?'); if (shouldLogin) { debug('Starting NPM login.'); try { await npmLogin(this._config.publishRegistry); } catch { return false; } return true; } return false; } }