describe('Pipes', function () { beforeAll(function () { browser.get(''); }); it('should open correctly', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('h4')).get(0).getText()).toEqual('Hero Birthday v.1'); expect(element(by.css('body > hero-birthday p')).getText()).toEqual("The hero's birthday is Apr 15, 1988"); }); it('should show delayed message', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('hero-message')).get(0).getText()).toEqual('Message: You are my Hero!'); }); it('should show 4 heroes', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('hero-list div')).count()).toEqual(4); }); it('should show 4 heroes in json', function () { expect(element(by.cssContainingText('hero-list p', 'Heroes as JSON')).getText()).toContain('Bombasto'); }); it('should show alternate birthday formats', function () { expect(element(by.cssContainingText('my-app > p', "The hero's birthday is Apr 15, 1988")).isDisplayed()).toBe(true); expect(element(by.cssContainingText('my-app > p', "The hero's birthday is 04/15/88")).isDisplayed()).toBe(true); }); it('should be able to toggle birthday formats', function () { var birthDayEle = element(by.css('my-app > hero-birthday > p')); expect(birthDayEle.getText()).toEqual("The hero's birthday is 4/15/1988"); var buttonEle = element(by.cssContainingText('my-app > hero-birthday > button', "Toggle Format")); expect(buttonEle.isDisplayed()).toBe(true); { expect(birthDayEle.getText()).toEqual("The hero's birthday is Friday, April 15, 1988"); }); }); it('should be able to chain and compose pipes', function () { var chainedPipeEles = element.all(by.cssContainingText('my-app p', "The chained hero's")); expect(chainedPipeEles.count()).toBe(3, "should have 3 chained pipe examples"); expect(chainedPipeEles.get(0).getText()).toContain('APR 15, 1988'); expect(chainedPipeEles.get(1).getText()).toContain('FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988'); expect(chainedPipeEles.get(2).getText()).toContain('FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988'); }); it('should be able to use ExponentialStrengthPipe pipe', function () { var ele = element(by.css('power-booster p')); expect(ele.getText()).toContain('Super power boost: 1024'); }); it('should be able to use the exponential calculator', function () { var eles = element.all(by.css('power-boost-calculator input')); var baseInputEle = eles.get(0); var factorInputEle = eles.get(1); var outputEle = element(by.css('power-boost-calculator p')); baseInputEle.clear().then(function() { return sendKeys(baseInputEle, "7"); }).then(function() { return factorInputEle.clear(); }).then(function() { return sendKeys(factorInputEle, "3"); }).then(function() { expect(outputEle.getText()).toContain("343"); }); }); });