/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'; import sourcemaps from 'rollup-plugin-sourcemaps'; import * as path from 'path'; var m = /^\@angular\/((\w|\-)+)(\/(\w|\d|\/|\-)+)?$/; var location = normalize('../../dist/packages-dist') + '/'; var rxjsLocation = normalize('../../node_modules/rxjs'); var tslibLocation = normalize('../../node_modules/tslib'); var esm = 'esm/'; var locations = { 'tsc-wrapped': normalize('../../dist/packages-dist') + '/', 'compiler-cli': normalize('../../dist/packages') + '/' }; var esm_suffixes = {}; function normalize(fileName) { return path.resolve(__dirname, fileName); } function resolve(id, from) { // console.log('Resolve id:', id, 'from', from) if (id == '@angular/tsc-wrapped') { // Hack to restrict the import to not include the index of @angular/tsc-wrapped so we don't // rollup tsickle. return locations['tsc-wrapped'] + 'tsc-wrapped/src/collector.js'; } var match = m.exec(id); if (match) { var packageName = match[1]; var esm_suffix = esm_suffixes[packageName] || ''; var loc = locations[packageName] || location; var r = loc !== location && (loc + esm_suffix + packageName + (match[3] || '/index') + '.js') || loc + packageName + '/esm5/' + packageName + '.js'; return r; } if (id && id.startsWith('rxjs/')) { const resolved = `${rxjsLocation}${id.replace('rxjs', '')}.js`; return resolved; } if (id == 'tslib') { return tslibLocation + '/tslib.es6.js'; } } var banner = ` var $reflect = {defineMetadata: function() {}, getOwnMetadata: function(){}}; ((typeof global !== 'undefined' && global)||{})['Reflect'] = $reflect; var $deferred, $resolved, $provided; function $getModule(name) { return $provided[name] || require(name); } function define(modules, cb) { $deferred = { modules: modules, cb: cb }; } module.exports = function(provided) { if ($resolved) return $resolved; var result = {}; $provided = Object.assign({'reflect-metadata': $reflect}, provided || {}, { exports: result }); $deferred.cb.apply(this, $deferred.modules.map($getModule)); $resolved = result; return result; } `; export default { entry: '../../dist/packages-dist/language-service/esm5/language-service.js', dest: '../../dist/packages-dist/language-service/bundles/language-service.umd.js', format: 'amd', moduleName: 'ng.language_service', exports: 'named', external: [ 'fs', 'path', 'typescript', ], globals: { 'typescript': 'ts', 'path': 'path', 'fs': 'fs', }, banner: banner, plugins: [{resolveId: resolve}, commonjs(), sourcemaps()] }