import {basename, resolve as resolvePath} from 'path'; import {SHORT_SHA_LEN} from './constants'; /** * Shorten a SHA to make it more readable * @param sha The SHA to shorten. */ export function computeShortSha(sha: string) { return sha.substr(0, SHORT_SHA_LEN); } /** * Compute the path for a downloaded artifact file. * @param downloadsDir The directory where artifacts are downloaded * @param pr The PR associated with this artifact. * @param sha The SHA associated with the build for this artifact. * @param artifactPath The path to the artifact on CircleCI. * @returns The fully resolved location for the specified downloaded artifact. */ export function computeArtifactDownloadPath(downloadsDir: string, pr: number, sha: string, artifactPath: string) { return resolvePath(downloadsDir, `${pr}-${computeShortSha(sha)}-${basename(artifactPath)}`); } /** * Extract the PR number and latest commit SHA from a downloaded file path. * @param downloadPath the path to the downloaded file. * @returns An object whose keys are the PR and SHA extracted from the file path. */ export function getPrInfoFromDownloadPath(downloadPath: string) { const file = basename(downloadPath); const [pr, sha] = file.split('-'); return {pr: +pr, sha}; } /** * Assert that a value is true. * @param value The value to assert. * @param message The message if the value is not true. */ export function assert(value: boolean, message: string) { if (!value) { throw new Error(message); } } /** * Assert that a parameter is not equal to "". * @param name The name of the parameter. * @param value The value of the parameter. */ export const assertNotMissingOrEmpty = (name: string, value: string | null | undefined) => { assert(!!value, `Missing or empty required parameter '${name}'!`); }; /** * Get an environment variable. * @param name The name of the environment variable. * @param isOptional True if the variable is optional. * @returns The value of the variable or "" if it is optional and falsy. * @throws `Error` if the variable is falsy and not optional. */ export const getEnvVar = (name: string, isOptional = false): string => { const value = process.env[name]; if (!isOptional && !value) { try { throw new Error(`ERROR: Missing required environment variable '${name}'!`); } catch (error) { console.error(error.stack); process.exit(1); } } return value || ''; }; export function createLogger(scope: string) { const padding = ' '.repeat(20 - scope.length); return { error: (...args: any[]) => console.error(`[${new Date()}]`, `${scope}:${padding}`, ...args), info: (...args: any[]) =>`[${new Date()}]`, `${scope}:${padding}`, ...args), log: (...args: any[]) => console.log(`[${new Date()}]`, `${scope}:${padding}`, ...args), warn: (...args: any[]) => console.warn(`[${new Date()}]`, `${scope}:${padding}`, ...args), }; }