import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach,} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal'; import {browserDetection} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing'; import {DecimalPipe, PercentPipe, CurrencyPipe} from '@angular/common'; export function main() { describe('Number pipes', () => { // TODO(mlaval): enable tests when Intl API is no longer used, see // // Have to restrict to Chrome as IE uses a different formatting if (browserDetection.supportsIntlApi && browserDetection.isChromeDesktop) { describe('DecimalPipe', () => { var pipe: DecimalPipe; beforeEach(() => { pipe = new DecimalPipe(); }); describe('transform', () => { it('should return correct value for numbers', () => { expect(pipe.transform(12345)).toEqual('12,345'); expect(pipe.transform(123, '.2')).toEqual('123.00'); expect(pipe.transform(1, '3.')).toEqual('001'); expect(pipe.transform(1.1, '3.4-5')).toEqual('001.1000'); expect(pipe.transform(1.123456, '3.4-5')).toEqual('001.12346'); expect(pipe.transform(1.1234)).toEqual('1.123'); }); it('should not support other objects', () => { expect(() => pipe.transform(new Object())).toThrowError(); }); }); }); describe('PercentPipe', () => { var pipe: PercentPipe; beforeEach(() => { pipe = new PercentPipe(); }); describe('transform', () => { it('should return correct value for numbers', () => { expect(pipe.transform(1.23)).toEqual('123%'); expect(pipe.transform(1.2, '.2')).toEqual('120.00%'); }); it('should not support other objects', () => { expect(() => pipe.transform(new Object())).toThrowError(); }); }); }); describe('CurrencyPipe', () => { var pipe: CurrencyPipe; beforeEach(() => { pipe = new CurrencyPipe(); }); describe('transform', () => { it('should return correct value for numbers', () => { expect(pipe.transform(123)).toEqual('USD123'); expect(pipe.transform(12, 'EUR', false, '.2')).toEqual('EUR12.00'); expect(pipe.transform(5.123, 'USD', false, '.0-2')).toEqual('USD5.12'); }); it('should not support other objects', () => { expect(() => pipe.transform(new Object())).toThrowError(); }); }); }); } }); }