p. exported from angular2/template defined in angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container.js (line 15) :markdown .l-main-section h2 Members .l-sub-section h3 constructor pre.prettyprint code. (viewFactory:vfModule.ViewFactory, renderer: Renderer, parentView: viewModule.AppView, defaultProtoView: viewModule.AppProtoView, elementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector) :markdown .l-sub-section h3 appInjector :markdown .l-sub-section h3 clear pre.prettyprint code. () :markdown .l-sub-section h3 create pre.prettyprint code. (atIndex=-1, protoView:viewModule.AppProtoView = null) :markdown .l-sub-section h3 defaultProtoView :markdown .l-sub-section h3 detach pre.prettyprint code. (atIndex=-1) :markdown The method can be used together with insert to implement a view move, i.e. moving the dom nodes while the directives in the view stay intact. .l-sub-section h3 elementInjector :markdown .l-sub-section h3 get pre.prettyprint code. (index: number) :markdown .l-sub-section h3 hostElementInjector :markdown .l-sub-section h3 hydrated pre.prettyprint code. () :markdown .l-sub-section h3 insert pre.prettyprint code. (view, atIndex=-1) :markdown .l-sub-section h3 internalClearWithoutRender pre.prettyprint code. () :markdown .l-sub-section h3 length :markdown .l-sub-section h3 parentView :markdown .l-sub-section h3 remove pre.prettyprint code. (atIndex=-1) :markdown .l-sub-section h3 render :markdown .l-sub-section h3 renderer :markdown .l-sub-section h3 viewFactory :markdown .l-sub-section h3 viewHydrator :markdown