#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux -o pipefail exec 3>&1 echo -e "\n\n[`date`] - Updating the preview server..." # Input readonly HOST_REPO_DIR=$1 readonly HOST_SECRETS_DIR=$2 readonly HOST_BUILDS_DIR=$3 readonly HOST_LOCALCERTS_DIR=$4 readonly HOST_LOGS_DIR=$5 # Constants readonly PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME=aio-builds:provisional readonly LATEST_IMAGE_NAME=aio-builds:latest readonly CONTAINER_NAME=aio # Run ( cd "$HOST_REPO_DIR" readonly lastDeployedCommit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo "Currently at commit $lastDeployedCommit." # Pull latest master from origin. git pull origin master # Do not update the server unless files inside `aio-builds-setup/` have changed # or the last attempt failed (identified by the provisional image still being around). readonly relevantChangedFilesCount=$(git diff --name-only $lastDeployedCommit...HEAD | grep -P "^aio/aio-builds-setup/" | wc -l) readonly lastAttemptFailed=$(sudo docker rmi "$PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME" >> /dev/fd/3 && echo "true" || echo "false") if [[ $relevantChangedFilesCount -eq 0 ]] && [[ "$lastAttemptFailed" != "true" ]]; then echo "Skipping update because no relevant files have been touched." exit 0 fi # Create and verify a new docker image. aio/aio-builds-setup/scripts/create-image.sh "$PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME" --no-cache readonly imageVerified=$(sudo docker run --dns --rm --volume $HOST_SECRETS_DIR:/aio-secrets:ro "$PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME" /bin/bash -c "aio-init && aio-health-check && aio-verify-setup" >> /dev/fd/3 && echo "true" || echo "false") if [[ "$imageVerified" != "true" ]]; then echo "Failed to verify new docker image. Aborting update!" exit 1 fi # Remove the old container and replace the docker image. sudo docker stop "$CONTAINER_NAME" || true sudo docker rm "$CONTAINER_NAME" || true sudo docker rmi "$LATEST_IMAGE_NAME" || true sudo docker tag "$PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME" "$LATEST_IMAGE_NAME" sudo docker rmi "$PROVISIONAL_IMAGE_NAME" # Create and start a docker container based on the new image. sudo docker run \ --detach \ --dns \ --name "$CONTAINER_NAME" \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 443:443 \ --restart unless-stopped \ --volume $HOST_SECRETS_DIR:/aio-secrets:ro \ --volume $HOST_BUILDS_DIR:/var/www/aio-builds \ --volume $HOST_LOCALCERTS_DIR:/etc/ssl/localcerts:ro \ --volume $HOST_LOGS_DIR:/var/log/aio \ "$LATEST_IMAGE_NAME" echo "The new docker image has been successfully deployed." )