/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {getLContext} from '../../src/render3/context_discovery'; import {LViewDebug, toDebug} from '../../src/render3/debug'; import {RenderFlags, ΔdefineComponent, ΔelementEnd, ΔelementStart, Δtext} from '../../src/render3/index'; import {ComponentFixture} from './render_util'; describe('Debug Representation', () => { it('should generate a human readable version', () => { class MyComponent { static ngComponentDef = ΔdefineComponent({ type: MyComponent, selectors: [['my-comp']], vars: 0, consts: 2, factory: () => new MyComponent(), template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyComponent) { if (rf == RenderFlags.Create) { ΔelementStart(0, 'div', ['id', '123']); Δtext(1, 'Hello World'); ΔelementEnd(); } } }); } const fixture = new ComponentFixture(MyComponent); const hostView = toDebug(getLContext(fixture.component) !.lView); expect(hostView.host).toEqual(null); const myCompView = hostView.childViews[0] as LViewDebug; expect(myCompView.host).toEqual('
Hello World
'); expect(myCompView.nodes ![0].html).toEqual('
'); expect(myCompView.nodes ![0].nodes ![0].html).toEqual('Hello World'); }); });