/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {Arguments, Argv, CommandModule} from 'yargs'; import {getConfig} from '../../utils/config'; import {error, green, info, red, warn, yellow} from '../../utils/console'; import {BuiltPackage, getReleaseConfig} from '../config/index'; import {buildReleaseOutput} from './index'; /** Command line options for building a release. */ export interface ReleaseBuildOptions { json: boolean; } /** Yargs command builder for configuring the `ng-dev release build` command. */ function builder(argv: Argv): Argv { return argv.option('json', { type: 'boolean', description: 'Whether the built packages should be printed to stdout as JSON.', default: false, }); } /** Yargs command handler for building a release. */ async function handler(args: Arguments) { const {npmPackages} = getReleaseConfig(); let builtPackages = await buildReleaseOutput(true); // If package building failed, print an error and exit with an error code. if (builtPackages === null) { error(red(` ✘ Could not build release output. Please check output above.`)); process.exit(1); } // If no packages have been built, we assume that this is never correct // and exit with an error code. if (builtPackages.length === 0) { error(red(` ✘ No release packages have been built. Please ensure that the`)); error(red(` build script is configured correctly in ".ng-dev".`)); process.exit(1); } const missingPackages = npmPackages.filter(pkgName => !builtPackages!.find(b => b.name === pkgName)); // Check for configured release packages which have not been built. We want to // error and exit if any configured package has not been built. if (missingPackages.length > 0) { error(red(` ✘ Release output missing for the following packages:`)); missingPackages.forEach(pkgName => error(red(` - ${pkgName}`))); process.exit(1); } if (args.json) { process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(builtPackages, null, 2)); } else { info(green(' ✓ Built release packages.')); builtPackages.forEach(({name}) => info(green(` - ${name}`))); } } /** CLI command module for building release output. */ export const ReleaseBuildCommandModule: CommandModule<{}, ReleaseBuildOptions> = { builder, handler, command: 'build', describe: 'Builds the release output for the current branch.', };