/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {AbsoluteFsPath} from '../../../src/ngtsc/path'; import {DependencyResolver, SortedEntryPointsInfo} from '../../src/dependencies/dependency_resolver'; import {EsmDependencyHost} from '../../src/dependencies/esm_dependency_host'; import {ModuleResolver} from '../../src/dependencies/module_resolver'; import {EntryPoint} from '../../src/packages/entry_point'; import {MockLogger} from '../helpers/mock_logger'; const _ = AbsoluteFsPath.from; describe('DependencyResolver', () => { let host: EsmDependencyHost; let resolver: DependencyResolver; beforeEach(() => { host = new EsmDependencyHost(new ModuleResolver()); resolver = new DependencyResolver(new MockLogger(), host); }); describe('sortEntryPointsByDependency()', () => { const first = { path: _('/first'), packageJson: {esm5: './index.js'}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint; const second = { path: _('/second'), packageJson: {esm2015: './sub/index.js'}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint; const third = { path: _('/third'), packageJson: {fesm5: './index.js'}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint; const fourth = { path: _('/fourth'), packageJson: {fesm2015: './sub2/index.js'}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint; const fifth = { path: _('/fifth'), packageJson: {module: './index.js'}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint; const dependencies = { [_('/first/index.js')]: {resolved: [second.path, third.path, '/ignored-1'], missing: []}, [_('/second/sub/index.js')]: {resolved: [third.path, fifth.path], missing: []}, [_('/third/index.js')]: {resolved: [fourth.path, '/ignored-2'], missing: []}, [_('/fourth/sub2/index.js')]: {resolved: [fifth.path], missing: []}, [_('/fifth/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: []}, }; it('should order the entry points by their dependency on each other', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies)); const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([fifth, first, fourth, second, third]); expect(result.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth, third, second, first]); }); it('should remove entry-points that have missing direct dependencies', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({ [_('/first/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: ['/missing']}, [_('/second/sub/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: []}, })); const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([first, second]); expect(result.entryPoints).toEqual([second]); expect(result.invalidEntryPoints).toEqual([ {entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: ['/missing']}, ]); }); it('should remove entry points that depended upon an invalid entry-point', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({ [_('/first/index.js')]: {resolved: [second.path], missing: []}, [_('/second/sub/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: ['/missing']}, [_('/third/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: []}, })); // Note that we will process `first` before `second`, which has the missing dependency. const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([first, second, third]); expect(result.entryPoints).toEqual([third]); expect(result.invalidEntryPoints).toEqual([ {entryPoint: second, missingDependencies: ['/missing']}, {entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: ['/missing']}, ]); }); it('should remove entry points that will depend upon an invalid entry-point', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies({ [_('/first/index.js')]: {resolved: [second.path], missing: []}, [_('/second/sub/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: ['/missing']}, [_('/third/index.js')]: {resolved: [], missing: []}, })); // Note that we will process `first` after `second`, which has the missing dependency. const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([second, first, third]); expect(result.entryPoints).toEqual([third]); expect(result.invalidEntryPoints).toEqual([ {entryPoint: second, missingDependencies: ['/missing']}, {entryPoint: first, missingDependencies: [second.path]}, ]); }); it('should error if the entry point does not have either the esm5 nor esm2015 formats', () => { expect(() => resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([ { path: '/first', packageJson: {}, compiledByAngular: true } as EntryPoint ])).toThrowError(`There is no format with import statements in '/first' entry-point.`); }); it('should capture any dependencies that were ignored', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies)); const result = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency([fifth, first, fourth, second, third]); expect(result.ignoredDependencies).toEqual([ {entryPoint: first, dependencyPath: '/ignored-1'}, {entryPoint: third, dependencyPath: '/ignored-2'}, ]); }); it('should only return dependencies of the target, if provided', () => { spyOn(host, 'findDependencies').and.callFake(createFakeComputeDependencies(dependencies)); const entryPoints = [fifth, first, fourth, second, third]; let sorted: SortedEntryPointsInfo; sorted = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, first); expect(sorted.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth, third, second, first]); sorted = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, second); expect(sorted.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth, third, second]); sorted = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, third); expect(sorted.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth, third]); sorted = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, fourth); expect(sorted.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth, fourth]); sorted = resolver.sortEntryPointsByDependency(entryPoints, fifth); expect(sorted.entryPoints).toEqual([fifth]); }); interface DepMap { [path: string]: {resolved: string[], missing: string[]}; } function createFakeComputeDependencies(deps: DepMap) { return (entryPoint: string) => { const dependencies = new Set(); const missing = new Set(); const deepImports = new Set(); deps[entryPoint].resolved.forEach(dep => dependencies.add(dep)); deps[entryPoint].missing.forEach(dep => missing.add(dep)); return {dependencies, missing, deepImports}; }; } }); });