/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {__core_private__ as r, __core_private_types__ as t} from '@angular/core'; export var isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy: typeof t.isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy = r.isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy; export type ChangeDetectorStatus = t.ChangeDetectorStatus; export var ChangeDetectorStatus: typeof t.ChangeDetectorStatus = r.ChangeDetectorStatus; export var CHANGE_DETECTION_STRATEGY_VALUES: typeof t.CHANGE_DETECTION_STRATEGY_VALUES = r.CHANGE_DETECTION_STRATEGY_VALUES; export var constructDependencies: typeof t.constructDependencies = r.constructDependencies; export type LifecycleHooks = t.LifecycleHooks; export var LifecycleHooks: typeof t.LifecycleHooks = r.LifecycleHooks; export var LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES: typeof t.LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES = r.LIFECYCLE_HOOKS_VALUES; export type ReflectorReader = t.ReflectorReader; export var ReflectorReader: typeof t.ReflectorReader = r.ReflectorReader; export type AppElement = t.AppElement; export var AppElement: typeof t.AppElement = r.AppElement; export var CodegenComponentFactoryResolver: typeof t.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver = r.CodegenComponentFactoryResolver; export var AppView: typeof t.AppView = r.AppView; export type DebugAppView = t.DebugAppView; export var DebugAppView: typeof t.DebugAppView = r.DebugAppView; export var NgModuleInjector: typeof t.NgModuleInjector = r.NgModuleInjector; export type ViewType = t.ViewType; export var ViewType: typeof t.ViewType = r.ViewType; export var MAX_INTERPOLATION_VALUES: typeof t.MAX_INTERPOLATION_VALUES = r.MAX_INTERPOLATION_VALUES; export var checkBinding: typeof t.checkBinding = r.checkBinding; export var flattenNestedViewRenderNodes: typeof t.flattenNestedViewRenderNodes = r.flattenNestedViewRenderNodes; export var interpolate: typeof t.interpolate = r.interpolate; export var ViewUtils: typeof t.ViewUtils = r.ViewUtils; export var VIEW_ENCAPSULATION_VALUES: typeof t.VIEW_ENCAPSULATION_VALUES = r.VIEW_ENCAPSULATION_VALUES; export var DebugContext: typeof t.DebugContext = r.DebugContext; export var StaticNodeDebugInfo: typeof t.StaticNodeDebugInfo = r.StaticNodeDebugInfo; export var devModeEqual: typeof t.devModeEqual = r.devModeEqual; export var UNINITIALIZED: typeof t.UNINITIALIZED = r.UNINITIALIZED; export var ValueUnwrapper: typeof t.ValueUnwrapper = r.ValueUnwrapper; export var TemplateRef_: typeof t.TemplateRef_ = r.TemplateRef_; export type RenderDebugInfo = t.RenderDebugInfo; export var RenderDebugInfo: typeof t.RenderDebugInfo = r.RenderDebugInfo; export var createProvider: typeof t.createProvider = r.createProvider; export var isProviderLiteral: typeof t.isProviderLiteral = r.isProviderLiteral; export var EMPTY_ARRAY: typeof t.EMPTY_ARRAY = r.EMPTY_ARRAY; export var EMPTY_MAP: typeof t.EMPTY_MAP = r.EMPTY_MAP; export var pureProxy1: typeof t.pureProxy1 = r.pureProxy1; export var pureProxy2: typeof t.pureProxy2 = r.pureProxy2; export var pureProxy3: typeof t.pureProxy3 = r.pureProxy3; export var pureProxy4: typeof t.pureProxy4 = r.pureProxy4; export var pureProxy5: typeof t.pureProxy5 = r.pureProxy5; export var pureProxy6: typeof t.pureProxy6 = r.pureProxy6; export var pureProxy7: typeof t.pureProxy7 = r.pureProxy7; export var pureProxy8: typeof t.pureProxy8 = r.pureProxy8; export var pureProxy9: typeof t.pureProxy9 = r.pureProxy9; export var pureProxy10: typeof t.pureProxy10 = r.pureProxy10; export var castByValue: typeof t.castByValue = r.castByValue; export type Console = t.Console; export var Console: typeof t.Console = r.Console; export var reflector: t.Reflector = r.reflector; export var Reflector: typeof t.Reflector = r.Reflector; export type Reflector = t.Reflector; export var ReflectionCapabilities: typeof t.ReflectionCapabilities = r.ReflectionCapabilities; export type ReflectionCapabilities = t.ReflectionCapabilities; export type NoOpAnimationPlayer = t.NoOpAnimationPlayer; export var NoOpAnimationPlayer: typeof t.NoOpAnimationPlayer = r.NoOpAnimationPlayer; export type AnimationPlayer = t.AnimationPlayer; export var AnimationPlayer: typeof t.AnimationPlayer = r.AnimationPlayer; export type AnimationSequencePlayer = t.AnimationSequencePlayer; export var AnimationSequencePlayer: typeof t.AnimationSequencePlayer = r.AnimationSequencePlayer; export type AnimationGroupPlayer = t.AnimationGroupPlayer; export var AnimationGroupPlayer: typeof t.AnimationGroupPlayer = r.AnimationGroupPlayer; export type AnimationKeyframe = t.AnimationKeyframe; export var AnimationKeyframe: typeof t.AnimationKeyframe = r.AnimationKeyframe; export type AnimationStyles = t.AnimationStyles; export var AnimationStyles: typeof t.AnimationStyles = r.AnimationStyles; export var ANY_STATE = r.ANY_STATE; export var DEFAULT_STATE = r.DEFAULT_STATE; export var EMPTY_STATE = r.EMPTY_STATE; export var FILL_STYLE_FLAG = r.FILL_STYLE_FLAG; export var prepareFinalAnimationStyles: typeof t.prepareFinalAnimationStyles = r.prepareFinalAnimationStyles; export var balanceAnimationKeyframes: typeof t.balanceAnimationKeyframes = r.balanceAnimationKeyframes; export var flattenStyles: typeof t.flattenStyles = r.flattenStyles; export var clearStyles: typeof t.clearStyles = r.clearStyles; export var collectAndResolveStyles: typeof r.collectAndResolveStyles = r.collectAndResolveStyles; export var renderStyles: typeof t.renderStyles = r.renderStyles;