{ "TopBar": [ { "url": "features", "title": "Features" }, { "url": "guide/docs", "title": "Docs", "hidden": true }, { "url": "resources", "title": "Resources" }, { "url": "events", "title": "Events" } ], "SideNav": [ { "url": "guide/docs", "title": "Docs", "tooltip": "Angular Documentation", "hidden": true }, { "title": "Getting Started", "tooltip": "A gentle introduction to Angular.", "children": [ { "url": "guide/quickstart", "title": "Basic Quickstart", "tooltip": "A quick look at an Angular app without tooling." }, { "url": "guide/cli-quickstart", "title": "CLI Quickstart", "tooltip": "A quick look at an Angular app built with the Angular CLI." } ]}, { "title": "Tutorial", "tooltip": "The Tour of Heroes tutorial takes you through the steps of creating an Angular application in TypeScript.", "children": [ { "url": "tutorial", "title": "Introduction", "tooltip": "Introduction to the Tour of Heroes tutorial" }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt1", "title": "The Hero Editor", "tooltip": "Build a simple hero editor" }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt2", "title": "Master/Detail", "tooltip": "Build a master/detail page with a list of heroes." }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt3", "title": "Multiple Components", "tooltip": "Refactor the master/detail view into separate components." }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt4", "title": "Services", "tooltip": "Create a reusable service to manage hero data." }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt5", "title": "Routing", "tooltip": "Add the Angular router and navigate among the views." }, { "url": "tutorial/toh-pt6", "title": "HTTP", "tooltip": "Use HTTP to retrieve and save hero data." } ] }, { "title": "Fundamentals", "tooltip": "The fundamentals of Angular", "children": [ { "url": "guide/animations", "title": "Animations", "tooltip": "A guide to Angular's animation system." }, { "title": "Angular Modules", "tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.", "children": [ { "url": "guide/appmodule", "title": "The Root AppModule", "tooltip": "Tell Angular how to construct and bootstrap the app in the root \"AppModule\"." }, { "url": "guide/ngmodule", "title": "NgModule", "tooltip": "Define application modules with @NgModule." }, { "url": "guide/ngmodule-faq", "title": "Angular Module FAQs", "tooltip": "Answers to frequently asked questions about @NgModule." } ]}, { "url": "guide/architecture", "title": "Architecture", "tooltip": "The basic building blocks of Angular applications." }, { "title": "Components", "tooltip": "Components present information to users and collect their input.", "children": [ { "url": "guide/displaying-data", "title": "Displaying Data", "tooltip": "Property binding helps show app data in the UI." }, { "url": "guide/template-syntax", "title": "Template Syntax", "tooltip": "Learn how to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding." }, { "url": "guide/lifecycle-hooks", "title": "Lifecycle Hooks", "tooltip": "Angular calls lifecycle hook methods on directives and components as it creates, changes, and destroys them." }, { "url": "guide/component-communication", "title": "Component Interaction", "tooltip": "Share information between different directives and components." }, { "url": "guide/component-styles", "title": "Component Styles", "tooltip": "Learn how to apply CSS styles to components." }, { "url": "guide/dynamic-component-loader", "title": "Dynamic Components", "tooltip": "Load components dynamically." } ] }, { "title": "Dependency Injection", "tooltip": "Dependency Injection: creating and injecting services", "children": [ { "url": "guide/dependency-injection", "title": "Dependency Injection", "tooltip": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\"." }, { "url": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection", "title": "Hierarchical Injectors", "tooltip": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree." }, { "url": "guide/dependency-injection-in-action", "title": "DI in Action", "tooltip": "Techniques for Dependency Injection." } ] }, { "title": "Directives", "tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.", "children": [ { "url": "guide/attribute-directives", "title": "Attribute Directives", "tooltip": "Attribute directives attach behavior to elements." }, { "url": "guide/structural-directives", "title": "Structural Directives", "tooltip": "Structural directives manipulate the layout of the page." } ] }, { "url": "guide/http", "title": "HTTP", "tooltip": "Use HTTP to talk to a remote server." }, { "url": "guide/i18n", "title": "Internationalization (i18n)", "tooltip": "Translate the app's template text into multiple languages." }, { "url": "guide/pipes", "title": "Pipes", "tooltip": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template." }, { "url": "guide/router", "title": "Routing & Navigation", "tooltip": "Discover the basics of screen navigation with the Angular Router." }, { "title": "User Input", "tooltip": "User Input", "children": [ { "url": "guide/user-input", "title": "User Input", "tooltip": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with event bindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models." }, { "url": "guide/forms", "title": "Template-driven Forms", "tooltip": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors." }, { "url": "guide/reactive-forms", "title": "Reactive Forms", "tooltip": "Create a reactive form using FormBuilder, groups, and arrays." }, { "url": "guide/form-validation", "title": "Form Validation", "tooltip": "Validate user's form entries." }, { "url": "guide/dynamic-form", "title": "Dynamic forms", "tooltip": "Render dynamic forms with FormGroup." } ]} ]}, { "title": "Techniques", "tooltip": "Techniques for putting Angular to work in your environment", "children": [ { "url": "guide/security", "title": "Security", "tooltip": "Developing for content security in Angular applications." }, { "url": "guide/set-document-title", "title": "Set the document tab title", "tooltip": "Set the browser tab title dynamically with the Angular Title service" }, { "title": "Setup & Deployment", "tooltip": "Setup and Deployment", "children": [ { "url": "guide/setup", "title": "Setup for local development", "tooltip": "Install the Angular QuickStart seed for faster, more efficient development on your machine." }, { "url": "guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy", "title": "Anatomy of the Setup", "tooltip": "Inside the local development environment for SystemJS." }, { "url": "guide/browser-support", "title": "Browser Support", "tooltip": "Browser support and polyfills guide." }, { "url": "guide/npm-packages", "title": "Npm Packages", "tooltip": "Recommended npm packages, and how to specify package dependencies." }, { "url": "guide/typescript-configuration", "title": "TypeScript Configuration", "tooltip": "TypeScript configuration for Angular developers." }, { "url": "guide/aot-compiler", "title": "Ahead-of-Time Compilation", "tooltip": "Learn why and how to use the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler." }, { "url": "guide/deployment", "title": "Deployment", "tooltip": "Learn how to deploy your Angular app." } ] }, { "url": "guide/testing", "title": "Testing", "tooltip": "Techniques and practices for testing an Angular app." }, { "url": "guide/ts-to-js", "title": "TypeScript to JavaScript", "tooltip": "Convert Angular TypeScript examples into ES6 and ES5 JavaScript." }, { "title": "Upgrading", "tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular.", "children": [ { "url": "guide/ajs-quick-reference", "title": "AngularJS to Angular", "tooltip": "Learn how AngularJS concepts and techniques map to Angular." }, { "url": "guide/upgrade", "title": "Upgrading from AngularJS", "tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular." } ] }, { "url": "guide/visual-studio-2015", "title": "Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart", "tooltip": "Use Visual Studio 2015 with the QuickStart files." }, { "url": "guide/webpack", "title": "Webpack: An Introduction", "tooltip": "Create Angular applications with Webpack based tooling." } ] }, { "title": "API", "tooltip": "Details of the Angular classes and values.", "url": "api" }, { "title": "References", "children": [ { "url": "guide/change-log", "title": "Change Log", "tooltip": "An annotated history of recent documentation improvements." }, { "url": "guide/cheatsheet", "title": "Cheat Sheet", "tooltip": "A quick guide to common Angular coding techniques." }, { "url": "guide/glossary", "title": "Glossary", "tooltip": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular vocabulary." }, { "url": "guide/styleguide", "title": "Style Guide", "tooltip": "Write Angular with style." } ] } ], "Footer": [ { "title": "Resources", "children": [ { "url": "about", "title": "About", "tooltip": "Angular contributors." }, { "url": "resources", "title": "Resource Listing", "tooltip": "Angular tools, training, and blogs from around the web." }, { "url": "presskit", "title": "Press Kit", "tooltip": "Press contacts, logos, and branding." } ] }, { "title": "Help", "children": [ { "url": "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/angular2", "title": "Stack Overflow", "tooltip": "Stack Overflow: where the community answers your technical Angular questions." }, { "url": "https://gitter.im/angular/angular", "title": "Gitter", "tooltip": "Chat about Angular with other birds of a feather." }, { "url": "https://github.com/angular/angular/issues", "title": "Report Issues", "tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github." }, { "url": "https://github.com/angular/code-of-conduct/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md", "title": "Code of Conduct", "tooltip": "Treating each other with respect." } ] }, { "title": "Community", "children": [ { "url": "events", "title": "Events", "tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github." }, { "url": "http://www.meetup.com/topics/angularjs/", "title": "Meetups", "tooltip": "Attend a meetup and learn from fellow developers." }, { "url": "https://twitter.com/angular", "title": "Twitter", "tooltip": "Twitter" }, { "url": "https://github.com/angular/angular", "title": "GitHub", "tooltip": "GitHub" }, { "url": "contribute", "title": "Contribute", "tooltip": "Contribute to Angular" } ] }, { "title": "Languages", "children": [ { "title": "中文版", "url": "https://angular.cn/" } ] } ] }