/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {ViewResolver} from '@angular/compiler/src/view_resolver'; import {Component, ViewMetadata} from '@angular/core/src/metadata'; class SomeDir {} class SomePipe {} @Component({ selector: 'sample', template: 'some template', directives: [SomeDir], pipes: [SomePipe], styles: ['some styles'] }) class ComponentWithTemplate { } @Component({selector: 'sample'}) class ComponentWithoutView { } class SimpleClass {} export function main() { describe('ViewResolver', () => { var resolver: ViewResolver; beforeEach(() => { resolver = new ViewResolver(); }); it('should read out the View metadata from the Component metadata', () => { var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithTemplate); expect(viewMetadata).toEqual(new ViewMetadata({ template: 'some template', directives: [SomeDir], pipes: [SomePipe], styles: ['some styles'] })); }); it('should throw when Component has neither template nor templateUrl set', () => { expect(() => resolver.resolve(ComponentWithoutView)) .toThrowError( /Component 'ComponentWithoutView' must have either 'template' or 'templateUrl' set/); }); it('should throw when simple class has no component decorator', () => { expect(() => resolver.resolve(SimpleClass)) .toThrowError('Could not compile \'SimpleClass\' because it is not a component.'); }); }); }