# Contributors page We have an official accounting of who is on the Angular Team, who are "trusted collaborators" (see https://team.angular.io/collaborators), and so on. The `contributors.json` should be maintained to keep our "org chart" in a single consistent place. ## GDE listings There are two pages: - https://developers.google.com/experts/all/technology/angular (Googlers: source at http://google3/googledata/devsite/content/en/experts/all/technology/angular.html) which is maintained by Dawid Ostrowski based on a spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Ls2Kle7NxPBIG8f3OEVZ4gJZ8OCTtBxGYwMPb1TUVE/edit#gid=0. - Ours: https://angular.io/about?group=GDE which is derived from `contributors.json`. ## About the data - Keys in `contributors.json` should be GitHub handles. (Most currently are, but not all.) This will allow us to use GitHub as the default source for things like name, avatar, etc. - Keys are sorted in alphabetical order, please keep the sorting order when adding new entries. - Pictures are stored in `aio/content/images/bios/`. ## Processing the data Install https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ which is amazing. ```sh for handle in $(jq keys[] --raw-output < aio/content/marketing/contributors.json) do echo -e "\n$handle\n---------\n"; curl --silent -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/users/$handle \ | jq ".message,.name,.company,.blog,.bio" --raw-output done ``` Relevant scripts are stored in `aio/scripts/contributors/`.