load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "pkg_npm", "ts_library") package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) ts_library( name = "locales", srcs = glob( ["**/*.ts"], exclude = ["closure-locale.ts"], ), ) pkg_npm( name = "package", srcs = glob(["global/*.js"]) + ["package.json"], substitutions = { # Workaround for `.d.ts`` containing `/// ` # which are generated in TypeScript v2.9, but not before. "/// ": "", # Workaround for https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/23217 # Webpack will detect that the UMD outputs from TypeScript pass the # `require` function into the module, and cannot accurately track # dependencies in case require was called. # We don't actually import anything in the locale code so we can # null out the require reference passed into the module. "factory\\(require, exports\\)": "factory(null, exports)", }, deps = [":locales"], )