import { ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, AsyncTestCompleter, inject, proxy, SpyObject, IS_DARTIUM } from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Json, RegExp, NumberWrapper, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang'; import {JsonPipe} from 'angular2/src/change_detection/pipes/json_pipe'; export function main() { describe("JsonPipe", () => { var regNewLine = '\n'; var canHasUndefined; // because Dart doesn't like undefined; var inceptionObj; var inceptionObjString; var catString; var pipe; var collection: number[]; function normalize(obj: string): string { return StringWrapper.replace(obj, regNewLine, ''); } beforeEach(() => { inceptionObj = {dream: {dream: {dream: 'Limbo'}}}; inceptionObjString = "{\n" + " \"dream\": {\n" + " \"dream\": {\n" + " \"dream\": \"Limbo\"\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; catString = 'Inception Cat'; pipe = new JsonPipe(); collection = []; }); describe("supports", () => { it("should support objects", () => { expect(pipe.supports(inceptionObj)).toBe(true); }); it("should support strings", () => { expect(pipe.supports(catString)).toBe(true); }); it("should support null", () => { expect(pipe.supports(null)).toBe(true); }); it("should support NaN", () => { expect(pipe.supports(NumberWrapper.NaN)).toBe(true); }); if (!IS_DARTIUM) { it("should support undefined", () => { expect(pipe.supports(canHasUndefined)).toBe(true); }); } }); describe("transform", () => { it("should return JSON-formatted string", () => { expect(pipe.transform(inceptionObj)).toEqual(inceptionObjString); }); it("should return JSON-formatted string even when normalized", () => { var dream1 = normalize(pipe.transform(inceptionObj)); var dream2 = normalize(inceptionObjString); expect(dream1).toEqual(dream2); }); it("should return JSON-formatted string similar to Json.stringify", () => { var dream1 = normalize(pipe.transform(inceptionObj)); var dream2 = normalize(Json.stringify(inceptionObj)); expect(dream1).toEqual(dream2); }); it("should return same ref when nothing has changed since the last call", () => { expect(pipe.transform(inceptionObj)).toEqual(inceptionObjString); expect(pipe.transform(inceptionObj)).toEqual(inceptionObjString); }); it("should return a new value when something changed but the ref hasn't", () => { var stringCollection = '[]'; var stringCollectionWith1 = '[\n' + ' 1' + '\n]'; expect(pipe.transform(collection)).toEqual(stringCollection); collection.push(1); expect(pipe.transform(collection)).toEqual(stringCollectionWith1); }); }); describe("onDestroy", () => { it("should do nothing when no latest value", () => { expect(() => pipe.onDestroy()).not.toThrow(); }); }); }); }