import {ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, el, AsyncTestCompleter, inject} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {ControlGroup, ControlDirective, ControlGroupDirective} from 'angular2/forms'; export function main() { describe("Form Directives", () => { describe("Control", () => { it("should throw when the group is not found and the control is not set", () => { var c = new ControlDirective(null, null); expect(() => { c.controlOrName = 'login'; }).toThrowError(new RegExp('No control group found for "login"')); }); it("should throw when cannot find the control in the group", () => { var emptyGroup = new ControlGroupDirective(null); emptyGroup.controlOrName = new ControlGroup({}); var c = new ControlDirective(emptyGroup, null); expect(() => { c.controlOrName = 'login'; }).toThrowError(new RegExp('Cannot find control "login"')); }); }); }); }