import { browser, by, element, ElementFinder } from 'protractor'; import { SitePage } from './app.po'; describe('site App', function() { let page: SitePage; beforeEach(() => { SitePage.setWindowWidth(1050); // Make the window wide enough to show the SideNav side-by-side. page = new SitePage(); }); it('should show features text after clicking "Features"', () => { page.navigateTo('');'features')); expect(page.getDocViewerText()).toMatch(/Progressive web apps/i); }); it('should set appropriate window titles', () => { page.navigateTo(''); expect(browser.getTitle()).toBe('Angular');'features')); expect(browser.getTitle()).toBe('Angular - FEATURES & BENEFITS');; expect(browser.getTitle()).toBe('Angular'); }); it('should not navigate when clicking on nav-item headings (sub-menu toggles)', () => { // Show the sidenav. page.navigateTo('docs'); expect(page.locationPath()).toBe('/docs'); // Get the top-level nav-item headings (sub-menu toggles). const navItemHeadings = page.getNavItemHeadings(page.sidenav, 1); // Test all headings (and sub-headings). expect(navItemHeadings.count()).toBeGreaterThan(0); navItemHeadings.each(heading => testNavItemHeading(heading!, 1)); // Helpers function expectToBeCollapsed(elementFinder: ElementFinder) { expect(elementFinder.getAttribute('class')).toMatch(/\bcollapsed\b/); expect(elementFinder.getAttribute('class')).not.toMatch(/\bexpanded\b/); } function expectToBeExpanded(elementFinder: ElementFinder) { expect(elementFinder.getAttribute('class')).not.toMatch(/\bcollapsed\b/); expect(elementFinder.getAttribute('class')).toMatch(/\bexpanded\b/); } function testNavItemHeading(heading: ElementFinder, level: number) { const children = page.getNavItemHeadingChildren(heading, level); // Headings are initially collapsed. expectToBeCollapsed(children); // Ensure heading does not cause navigation when expanding.; expectToBeExpanded(children); expect(page.locationPath()).toBe('/docs'); // Recursively test child-headings (while this heading is expanded). const nextLevel = level + 1; const childNavItemHeadings = page.getNavItemHeadings(children, nextLevel); childNavItemHeadings.each(childHeading => testNavItemHeading(childHeading!, nextLevel)); // Ensure heading does not cause navigation when collapsing.; expectToBeCollapsed(children); expect(page.locationPath()).toBe('/docs'); } }); it('should show the tutorial index page at `/tutorial` after jitterbugging through features', () => { // check that we can navigate directly to the tutorial page page.navigateTo('tutorial'); expect(page.getDocViewerText()).toMatch(/Tutorial: Tour of Heroes/i); // navigate to a different page'features')); expect(page.getDocViewerText()).toMatch(/Progressive web apps/i); // Show the menu; // Tutorial folder should still be expanded because this test runs in wide mode // Navigate to the tutorial introduction via a link in the sidenav; expect(page.getDocViewerText()).toMatch(/Tutorial: Tour of Heroes/i); }); it('should render `{@example}` dgeni tags as `` elements with HTML escaped content', () => { page.navigateTo('guide/component-styles'); const codeExample = element.all(by.css('code-example')).first(); expect(page.getInnerHtml(codeExample)).toContain('<h1>Tour of Heroes</h1>'); }); describe('scrolling to the top', () => { it('should scroll to the top when navigating to another page', () => { page.navigateTo('guide/security'); page.scrollToBottom(); expect(page.getScrollTop()).toBeGreaterThan(0);; expect(page.locationPath()).toBe('/api'); expect(page.getScrollTop()).toBe(0); }); it('should scroll to the top when navigating to the same page', () => { page.navigateTo('guide/security'); page.scrollToBottom(); expect(page.getScrollTop()).toBeGreaterThan(0);; expect(page.locationPath()).toBe('/guide/security'); expect(page.getScrollTop()).toBe(0); }); }); describe('tutorial docs', () => { it('should not render a paragraph element inside the h1 element', () => { page.navigateTo('tutorial/toh-pt1'); expect(element(by.css('h1 p')).isPresent()).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('google analytics', () => { it('should call ga with initial URL', done => { let path: string; page.navigateTo('api'); page.locationPath() .then(p => path = p) .then(() => .then(calls => { // The last call (length-1) will be the `send` command // The second to last call (length-2) will be the command to `set` the page url expect(calls[calls.length - 2]).toEqual(['set', 'page', path]); done(); }); }); it('should call ga with new URL on navigation', done => { let path: string; page.navigateTo('');'features')); page.locationPath() .then(p => path = p) .then(() => .then(calls => { // The last call (length-1) will be the `send` command // The second to last call (length-2) will be the command to `set` the page url expect(calls[calls.length - 2]).toEqual(['set', 'page', path]); done(); }); }); }); describe('404 page', () => { it('should add or remove the "noindex" meta tag depending upon the validity of the page', () => { page.navigateTo(''); expect(element(by.css('meta[name="robots"]')).isPresent()).toBeFalsy(); page.navigateTo('does/not/exist'); expect(element(by.css('meta[name="robots"][content="noindex"]')).isPresent()).toBeTruthy();'features')); expect(element(by.css('meta[name="robots"]')).isPresent()).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should search the index for words found in the url', () => { page.navigateTo('http/router'); const results = page.getSearchResults(); expect(results).toContain('Http'); expect(results).toContain('Router'); }); }); describe('suggest edit link', () => { it('should be present on all docs pages', () => { page.navigateTo('tutorial/toh-pt1'); expect(page.ghLinks.count()).toEqual(1); /* tslint:disable:max-line-length */ expect(page.ghLinks.get(0).getAttribute('href')) .toMatch(/https:\/\/github\.com\/angular\/angular\/edit\/master\/aio\/content\/tutorial\/toh-pt1\.md\?message=docs%3A%20describe%20your%20change\.\.\./); page.navigateTo('guide/http'); expect(page.ghLinks.count()).toEqual(1); /* tslint:disable:max-line-length */ expect(page.ghLinks.get(0).getAttribute('href')) .toMatch(/https:\/\/github\.com\/angular\/angular\/edit\/master\/aio\/content\/guide\/http\.md\?message=docs%3A%20describe%20your%20change\.\.\./); }); it('should not be present on top level pages', () => { page.navigateTo('features'); expect(page.ghLinks.count()).toEqual(0); }); }); });