import { AsyncTestCompleter, describe, proxy, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, inject, beforeEach, beforeEachBindings, SpyObject } from 'angular2/testing_internal'; import {Injector, provide} from 'angular2/core'; import {CONST_EXPR} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang'; import {Location, APP_BASE_HREF} from 'angular2/src/router/location'; import {LocationStrategy} from 'angular2/src/router/location_strategy'; import {MockLocationStrategy} from 'angular2/src/mock/mock_location_strategy'; export function main() { describe('Location', () => { var locationStrategy, location; function makeLocation(baseHref: string = '/my/app', provider: any = CONST_EXPR([])): Location { locationStrategy = new MockLocationStrategy(); locationStrategy.internalBaseHref = baseHref; let injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate( [Location, provide(LocationStrategy, {useValue: locationStrategy}), provider]); return location = injector.get(Location); } beforeEach(makeLocation); it('should normalize relative urls on navigate', () => { location.go('user/btford'); expect(locationStrategy.path()).toEqual('/my/app/user/btford'); }); it('should not prepend urls with starting slash when an empty URL is provided', () => { expect(location.normalizeAbsolutely('')).toEqual(locationStrategy.getBaseHref()); }); it('should not prepend path with an extra slash when a baseHref has a trailing slash', () => { let location = makeLocation('/my/slashed/app/'); expect(location.normalizeAbsolutely('/page')).toEqual('/my/slashed/app/page'); }); it('should not append urls with leading slash on navigate', () => { location.go('/my/app/user/btford'); expect(locationStrategy.path()).toEqual('/my/app/user/btford'); }); it('should remove index.html from base href', () => { let location = makeLocation('/my/app/index.html'); location.go('user/btford'); expect(locationStrategy.path()).toEqual('/my/app/user/btford'); }); it('should normalize urls on popstate', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => { locationStrategy.simulatePopState('/my/app/user/btford'); location.subscribe((ev) => { expect(ev['url']).toEqual('/user/btford'); async.done(); }) })); it('should normalize location path', () => { locationStrategy.internalPath = '/my/app/user/btford'; expect(location.path()).toEqual('/user/btford'); }); it('should use optional base href param', () => { let location = makeLocation('/', provide(APP_BASE_HREF, {useValue: '/my/custom/href'})); location.go('user/btford'); expect(locationStrategy.path()).toEqual('/my/custom/href/user/btford'); }); it('should throw when no base href is provided', () => { var locationStrategy = new MockLocationStrategy(); locationStrategy.internalBaseHref = null; expect(() => new Location(locationStrategy)) .toThrowError( `No base href set. Either provide a provider for the APP_BASE_HREF token or add a base element to the document.`); }); it('should revert to the previous path when a back() operation is executed', () => { var locationStrategy = new MockLocationStrategy(); var location = new Location(locationStrategy); function assertUrl(path) { expect(location.path()).toEqual(path); } location.go('/ready'); assertUrl('/ready'); location.go('/ready/set'); assertUrl('/ready/set'); location.go('/ready/set/go'); assertUrl('/ready/set/go'); location.back(); assertUrl('/ready/set'); location.back(); assertUrl('/ready'); }); it('should incorporate the provided query values into the location change', () => { var locationStrategy = new MockLocationStrategy(); var location = new Location(locationStrategy); location.go('/home', "key=value"); expect(location.path()).toEqual("/home?key=value"); }); }); }