language: node_js sudo: false node_js: - '0.12' branches: except: - g3sync cache: directories: - node_modules - $HOME/.pub-cache env: global: - KARMA_BROWSERS=DartiumWithWebPlatform - E2E_BROWSERS=Dartium - LOGS_DIR=/tmp/angular-build/logs - SAUCE_USERNAME=angular-ci - SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=9b988f434ff8-fbca-8aa4-4ae3-35442987 - ARCH=linux-x64 # Token for tsd to increase github rate limit # See # This does not use # because those are not visible for pull requests, and those should also be reliable. # This SSO token belongs to github account angular-github-ratelimit-token which has no access # (password is in Valentine) - TSDRC='{"token":"ef474500309daea53d5991b3079159a29520a40b"}' # GITHUB_TOKEN_ANGULAR - secure: "fq/U7VDMWO8O8SnAQkdbkoSe2X92PVqg4d044HmRYVmcf6YbO48+xeGJ8yOk0pCBwl3ISO4Q2ot0x546kxfiYBuHkZetlngZxZCtQiFT9kyId8ZKcYdXaIW9OVdw3Gh3tQyUwDucfkVhqcs52D6NZjyE2aWZ4/d1V4kWRO/LMgo=" matrix: # Make slowest build on top, so that we don't hog VMs while waiting for others to complete. - MODE=dart DART_CHANNEL=stable - MODE=dart DART_CHANNEL=dev - MODE=dart_experimental DART_CHANNEL=dev - MODE=js DART_CHANNEL=dev # Dissabled until we can make it pass. # - MODE=saucelabs DART_CHANNEL=dev matrix: allow_failures: - env: "MODE=saucelabs DART_CHANNEL=dev" addons: firefox: "38.0" before_install: - echo ${TSDRC} > .tsdrc - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - export GIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) - ./scripts/ci/ - ./scripts/ci/ ${DART_CHANNEL} ${ARCH} - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - if [[ -e SKIP_TRAVIS_TESTS ]]; then { cat SKIP_TRAVIS_TESTS ; exit 0; } fi install: # Update npm - npm install -g npm@2.9.1 - npm --version # Check the size of caches - du -sh ./node_modules || true # Install npm dependecies - npm install before_script: - mkdir -p $LOGS_DIR - ./scripts/ci/ script: - ./scripts/ci/ ${MODE} after_script: - ./scripts/ci/ - ./scripts/ci/ notifications: webhooks: urls: - # trigger Buildtime Trend Service to parse Travis CI log - on_success: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_start: false # default: false slack: secure: EP4MzZ8JMyNQJ4S3cd5LEPWSMjC7ZRdzt3veelDiOeorJ6GwZfCDHncR+4BahDzQAuqyE/yNpZqaLbwRWloDi15qIUsm09vgl/1IyNky1Sqc6lEknhzIXpWSalo4/T9ZP8w870EoDvM/UO+LCV99R3wS8Nm9o99eLoWVb2HIUu0= deploy: - provider: gcs # This is for project angular-github-babysitter access_key_id: GOOGIOQTDBEOPBUAWFZQ secret_access_key: secure: "MEDggllZ5fw4wI9CEUi8WR6jKsKXqdRF/DLxSNC2JpzM5RlVeBm0uqjntYT1Cf1dASvQ2/+vZCUikL/3A48NcoEYRHXGmxu8D6t/SvleQD8Xv434xFOdsa2QqP/HiCtqCLOI5jJz1JVoB5nNyKKZ33ogTUL1LV1TfcrAioyizW8=" # this bucket has a lifecycle to delete after 90 days: # $ echo '{"rule": [{"action": {"type": "Delete"}, "condition": {"age": 90}}]}' > lifecycle.json # $ gsutil lifecycle set lifecycle.json gs://angular2-snapshots bucket: angular2-snapshots # don't delete generated files skip_cleanup: true # serve to public at acl: public-read # upload the .tgz archive created in scripts/ci/ local-dir: deploy # create a "subdirectory" for each commit upload-dir: $TRAVIS_COMMIT/dart_stable on: branch: master repo: angular/angular condition: "$MODE = dart && $DART_CHANNEL = stable" - provider: gcs access_key_id: GOOGIOQTDBEOPBUAWFZQ secret_access_key: secure: "MEDggllZ5fw4wI9CEUi8WR6jKsKXqdRF/DLxSNC2JpzM5RlVeBm0uqjntYT1Cf1dASvQ2/+vZCUikL/3A48NcoEYRHXGmxu8D6t/SvleQD8Xv434xFOdsa2QqP/HiCtqCLOI5jJz1JVoB5nNyKKZ33ogTUL1LV1TfcrAioyizW8=" bucket: angular2-snapshots skip_cleanup: true acl: public-read local-dir: deploy upload-dir: $TRAVIS_COMMIT/js on: branch: master repo: angular/angular condition: "$MODE = js"