# Debugging tests If your tests aren't working as you expect them to, you can inspect and debug them in the browser. <div class="alert is-helpful"> For the sample application that the testing guides describe, see the <live-example name="testing" embedded-style noDownload>sample app</live-example>. For the tests features in the testing guides, see <live-example name="testing" stackblitz="specs" noDownload>tests</live-example>. </div> Debug specs in the browser in the same way that you debug an application. 1. Reveal the Karma browser window. See [Set up testing](guide/testing#set-up-testing) if you need help with this step. 1. Click the **DEBUG** button; it opens a new browser tab and re-runs the tests. 1. Open the browser's “Developer Tools” (`Ctrl-Shift-I` on Windows; `Command-Option-I` in macOS). 1. Pick the "sources" section. 1. Open the `1st.spec.ts` test file (Control/Command-P, then start typing the name of the file). 1. Set a breakpoint in the test. 1. Refresh the browser, and it stops at the breakpoint. <div class="lightbox"> <img src='generated/images/guide/testing/karma-1st-spec-debug.png' alt="Karma debugging"> </div>