# Configuration for pullapprove.com # # Approval access and primary role is determined by info in the project ownership spreadsheet: # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-HIlzfbPYGsPr9KuYMe6bLfc4LXzPjpoALqtYRYTZB0/edit?pli=1#gid=0&vpid=A5 # # === GitHub username to Full name map === # # alexeagle - Alex Eagle # alxhub - Alex Rickabaugh # andrewseguin - Andrew Seguin # benlesh - Ben Lesh # brandonroberts - Brandon Roberts # brocco - Mike Brocchi # filipesilva - Filipe Silva # gkalpak - George Kalpakas # hansl - Hans Larsen # IgorMinar - Igor Minar # jasonaden - Jason Aden # jenniferfell - Jennifer Fell # kara - Kara Erickson # kyliau - Keen Yee Liau # matsko - Matias Niemelä # mhevery - Misko Hevery # petebacondarwin - Pete Bacon Darwin # pkozlowski-opensource - Pawel Kozlowski # robwormald - Rob Wormald # vicb - Victor Berchet # vikerman - Vikram Subramanian version: 2 group_defaults: required: 1 reset_on_reopened: enabled: true approve_by_comment: enabled: false # see http://docs.pullapprove.com/groups/author_approval/ author_approval: # If the author is a reviewer on the PR, they will automatically have an "approved" status. auto: true groups: # Require all PRs to have at least one approval from *someone* all: users: all required: 1 rejection_value: -999 # In this group, your self-approval does not count author_approval: auto: false ignored: true files: include: - 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