import {describe, it, iit, ddescribe, expect, beforeEach} from 'angular2/test_lib'; import {Reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection'; import {ReflectionCapabilities} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities'; import {ClassDecorator, ParamDecorator, classDecorator, paramDecorator} from './reflector_common'; class AType { value; constructor(value) { this.value = value; } } @ClassDecorator('class') class ClassWithDecorators { a; b; constructor(@ParamDecorator("a") a: AType, @ParamDecorator("b") b: AType) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } class ClassWithoutDecorators { constructor(a, b) {} } class TestObjWith11Args { constructor(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11) {} } class TestObj { a; b; constructor(a, b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } identity(arg) { return arg; } } export function main() { describe('Reflector', () => { var reflector; beforeEach(() => { reflector = new Reflector(new ReflectionCapabilities()); }); describe("factory", () => { it("should create a factory for the given type", () => { var obj = reflector.factory(TestObj)(1, 2); expect(obj.a).toEqual(1); expect(obj.b).toEqual(2); }); it("should throw when more than 10 arguments", () => { expect(() => reflector.factory(TestObjWith11Args)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)) .toThrowError(); }); it("should return a registered factory if available", () => { reflector.registerType(TestObj, {"factory": () => "fake"}); expect(reflector.factory(TestObj)()).toEqual("fake"); }); }); describe("parameters", () => { it("should return an array of parameters for a type", () => { var p = reflector.parameters(ClassWithDecorators); expect(p).toEqual([[AType, paramDecorator('a')], [AType, paramDecorator('b')]]); }); it("should work for a class without annotations", () => { var p = reflector.parameters(ClassWithoutDecorators); expect(p.length).toEqual(2); }); it("should return registered parameters if available", () => { reflector.registerType(TestObj, {"parameters": [1, 2]}); expect(reflector.parameters(TestObj)).toEqual([1, 2]); }); }); describe("annotations", () => { it("should return an array of annotations for a type", () => { var p = reflector.annotations(ClassWithDecorators); expect(p).toEqual([classDecorator('class')]); }); it("should return registered annotations if available", () => { reflector.registerType(TestObj, {"annotations": [1, 2]}); expect(reflector.annotations(TestObj)).toEqual([1, 2]); }); it("should work for a clas without annotations", () => { var p = reflector.annotations(ClassWithoutDecorators); expect(p).toEqual([]); }); }); describe("getter", () => { it("returns a function reading a property", () => { var getA = reflector.getter('a'); expect(getA(new TestObj(1, 2))).toEqual(1); }); it("should return a registered getter if available", () => { reflector.registerGetters({"abc": (obj) => "fake"}); expect(reflector.getter("abc")("anything")).toEqual("fake"); }); }); describe("setter", () => { it("returns a function setting a property", () => { var setA = reflector.setter('a'); var obj = new TestObj(1, 2); setA(obj, 100); expect(obj.a).toEqual(100); }); it("should return a registered setter if available", () => { var updateMe; reflector.registerSetters({"abc": (obj, value) => { updateMe = value; }}); reflector.setter("abc")("anything", "fake"); expect(updateMe).toEqual("fake"); }); }); describe("method", () => { it("returns a function invoking a method", () => { var func = reflector.method('identity'); var obj = new TestObj(1, 2); expect(func(obj, ['value'])).toEqual('value'); }); it("should return a registered method if available", () => { reflector.registerMethods({"abc": (obj, args) => args}); expect(reflector.method("abc")("anything", ["fake"])).toEqual(['fake']); }); }); }); }