const {exec} = require('shelljs'); const minimist = require('minimist'); // Remove all command line flags from the arguments. const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); // The command the user would like to run, either 'accept' or 'test' const USER_COMMAND = argv._[0]; // The shell command to query for all Public API guard tests. const BAZEL_PUBLIC_API_TARGET_QUERY_CMD = `yarn -s bazel query --output label 'kind(nodejs_test, ...) intersect attr("tags", "api_guard", ...)'` // Bazel targets for testing Public API goldens process.stdout.write('Gathering all Public API targets'); const ALL_PUBLIC_API_TESTS = exec(BAZEL_PUBLIC_API_TARGET_QUERY_CMD, {silent: true}) .trim() .split('\n') .map(test => test.trim()); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); // Bazel targets for generating Public API goldens const ALL_PUBLIC_API_ACCEPTS = => `${test}.accept`); /** * Run the provided bazel commands on each provided target individually. */ function runBazelCommandOnTargets(command, targets, present) { for (const target of targets) { process.stdout.write(`${present}: ${target}`); const commandResult = exec(`yarn -s bazel ${command} ${target}`, {silent: true}); process.stdout.clearLine(); process.stdout.cursorTo(0); if (commandResult.code) { console.error(`Failed ${command}: ${target}`);; console.error(commandResult.stdout || commandResult.stderr); console.groupEnd(); } else { console.log(`Successful ${command}: ${target}`); } } } switch (USER_COMMAND) { case 'accept': runBazelCommandOnTargets('run', ALL_PUBLIC_API_ACCEPTS, 'Running'); break; case 'test': runBazelCommandOnTargets('test', ALL_PUBLIC_API_TESTS, 'Testing'); break; default: console.warn('Invalid command provided.'); console.warn(); console.warn(`Run this script with either "accept" and "test"`); break; }