describe('Hierarchical dependency injection', function () { beforeEach(function () { browser.get(''); }); it('should open with a card view', function () { expect(element.all(by.cssContainingText('button','edit')).get(0).isDisplayed()).toBe(true, "edit button should be displayed"); }); it('should have multiple heros listed', function () { expect(element.all(by.css('heroes-list li')).count()).toBeGreaterThan(1); }); it('should change to editor view after selection', function () { var editButtonEle = element.all(by.cssContainingText('button','edit')).get(0); { expect(editButtonEle.isDisplayed()).toBe(false, "edit button should be hidden after selection"); }) }); it('should be able to save editor change', function () { testEdit(true); }); it('should be able to cancel editor change', function () { testEdit(false); }); function testEdit(shouldSave) { var inputEle; // select 2nd ele var heroEle = element.all(by.css('heroes-list li')).get(1); // get the 2nd span which is the name of the hero var heroNameEle = heroEle.all(by.css('hero-card span')).get(1); var editButtonEle = heroEle.element(by.cssContainingText('button','edit')); { inputEle = heroEle.element(by.css('hero-editor input')); // return inputEle.sendKeys("foo"); return sendKeys(inputEle, "foo"); }).then(function() { buttonName = shouldSave ? 'save' : 'cancel'; var buttonEle = heroEle.element(by.cssContainingText('button', buttonName)); return; }).then(function() { if (shouldSave) { expect(heroNameEle.getText()).toContain('foo'); } else { expect(heroNameEle.getText()).not.toContain('foo'); } }) } });