.l-main-section h2 Blog Posts by thoughtram ul li: a(href="http://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/02/22/angular-2-change-detection-explained.html") Angular 2 Change Detection Explained li Even ES5 code for Angular 2 li Shadow DOM Strategies in Angular 2 li Styling Angular 2 components li Routing in Angular 2 li Dependency Injection in Angular 2 li Writing Angular 2 code in ES5 li The difference between annotations and decorators li Developing a Tabs component in Angular 2 li Developing a Zippy component in Angular 2 li Angular 2 Template Syntax Demystified - Part 1 li Host and Visibility in Angular 2's DI li Upgrading apps to Angular 2 using ngUpgrade li Resolving Service Dependencies in Angular 2 li Forward References in Angular 2 .l-main-section h2 Victor Savkin's Blog Posts ul li: a(href="http://victorsavkin.com/post/137821436516/managing-state-in-angular-2-applications") Managing State in Angular 2 Applications li Two Phases of Angular 2 Applications li Forms in Angular 2 li Change detection li Functional programming li Dependency injection .l-main-section h2 Videos h4 Intro Videos ul li Building a Todo App by David East li Angular 2 Forms by David East h4 ng-conf ul li Playlist of ng-conf 2015 videos. li Day 1 Keynote: a broad overview of Angular 2, migration, and where we are headed. li Day 2 Keynote: Misko and Rado do a deep-dive on Angular 2 details. li Creating Container Components with Web Components in Angular: Kara Erickson & Rachael L Moore. li Change Detection Reinvented: Why Angular 2 change detection is fast out of the box and options for developers to make it even faster. h4 ng-europe ul li Oct 2014 playlist of ng-europe videos on Angular 2 and the future of Angular. .l-main-section h2 API Design Docs & Notes ul li Best Practices li API Design Docs li Meeting Notes li Presentations li More...