package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "karma_web_test")


    name = "tsconfig.json",
    actual = "//packages:tsconfig-build.json",

    name = "web_test_bootstrap_scripts",
    # do not sort
    srcs = [
        # Including systemjs because it defines `__eval`, which produces correct stack traces.

    name = "angularjs_scripts",
    srcs = [
        # We also declare the unminfied AngularJS files since these can be used for
        # local debugging (e.g. see: packages/upgrade/test/common/test_helpers.ts)

# To run a karma_web_test target manually, run the "./scripts/saucelabs/"
# script. Note: If you are on MacOS or Windows, you need to manually start the Saucelabs tunnel
# because the script only supports the linux Saucelabs tunnel binary. We combine all tests into
# a single "karma_web_test" target because running them as separate targets in parallel can result
# in to too many browsers being acquired at the same time. This will then result in tests being
# flaky. This target runs in CI with Saucelabs and Ivy.
    name = "saucelabs_unit_tests",
    # Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
    # Saucelabs browsers keep running. Ultimately resulting in failing tests and browsers
    # unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
    # Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
    timeout = "long",
    tags = [
    deps = [

    # This target runs in CI with View Engine as a Saucelabs and Bazel proof-of-concept. It's a
    # subset of the legacy saucelabs tests.
    name = "saucelabs_unit_tests_poc",
    # Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
    # Saucelabs browsers keep running. Ultimately resulting in failing tests and browsers
    # unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
    # Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
    timeout = "long",
    tags = [
    deps = [
        # We combine all tests into a single karma_web_test target
        # as running them as separate targets in parallel leads to too many
        # browsers being acquired at once in SauceLabs and the tests flake out
        # TODO: this is an example subset of tests below, add all remaining angular tests
        # "//packages/router/test:test_lib",
        # //packages/router/test:test_lib fails with:
        # IE 11.0.0 (Windows bootstrap should restore the scrolling position FAILED
        # 	Expected undefined to equal 5000.
        # 	   at stack (eval code:2338:11)
        # 	   at buildExpectationResult (eval code:2305:5)
        # 	   at expectationResultFactory (eval code:858:11)
        # 	   at Spec.prototype.addExpectationResult (eval code:487:5)
        # 	   at addExpectationResult (eval code:802:9)
        # 	   at Anonymous function (eval code:2252:7)
        # 	   at Anonymous function (eval code:339:25)
        # 	   at step (eval code:133:17)
        # 	   at Anonymous function (eval code:114:50)
        # 	   at fulfilled (eval code:104:47)