/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import * as path from 'path'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import {CompilerHostAdapter, MetadataBundler, MetadataBundlerHost} from '../../src/metadata/bundler'; import {MetadataCollector} from '../../src/metadata/collector'; import {ClassMetadata, MetadataEntry, MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, ModuleMetadata} from '../../src/metadata/schema'; import {Directory, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks'; describe('compiler host adapter', () => { it('should retrieve metadata for an explicit index relative path reference', () => { const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two/index', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.keys(metadata!.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'PrivateTwo', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', ]); }); it('should retrieve metadata for an implied index relative path reference', () => { const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY_WITH_IMPLIED_INDEX); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.keys(metadata!.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'PrivateTwo', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', ]); }); it('should fail to retrieve metadata for an implied index with classic module resolution', () => { const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY_WITH_IMPLIED_INDEX); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/two', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should retrieve exports for an explicit index relative path reference', () => { const context = new MockAotContext('.', SIMPLE_LIBRARY); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib/src/index', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); expect(metadata!.exports!.map(e => e.export !) .reduce((prev, next) => prev.concat(next), []) .sort()) .toEqual([ 'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', ]); }); it('should look for .ts file when resolving metadata via a package.json "main" entry', () => { const files = { 'lib': { 'one.ts': ` class One {} class OneMore extends One {} class PrivateOne {} const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne]; export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES}; `, 'one.js': ` // This will throw an error if the metadata collector tries to load one.js `, 'package.json': ` { "main": "one" } ` } }; const context = new MockAotContext('.', files); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.keys(metadata!.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'PrivateOne', ]); expect(Array.isArray(metadata!.metadata!['ONE_CLASSES'])).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should look for non-declaration file when resolving metadata via a package.json "types" entry', () => { const files = { 'lib': { 'one.ts': ` class One {} class OneMore extends One {} class PrivateOne {} const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne]; export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES}; `, 'one.d.ts': ` declare class One { } declare class OneMore extends One { } declare class PrivateOne { } declare const ONE_CLASSES: (typeof One)[]; export { One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES }; `, 'one.js': ` // This will throw an error if the metadata collector tries to load one.js `, 'package.json': ` { "main": "one", "types": "one.d.ts" } ` } }; const context = new MockAotContext('.', files); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options: ts.CompilerOptions = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; const adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); const metadata = adapter.getMetadataFor('./lib', '.'); expect(metadata).toBeDefined(); expect(Object.keys(metadata!.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'PrivateOne', ]); expect(Array.isArray(metadata!.metadata!['ONE_CLASSES'])).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('metadata bundler', () => { it('should be able to bundle a simple library', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', SIMPLE_LIBRARY); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host, 'prfx_'); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', 'ɵprfx_a', 'ɵprfx_b' ]); const originalOne = './src/one'; const originalTwo = './src/two/index'; expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.origins!) .sort() .map(name => ({name, value: result.metadata.origins![name]}))) .toEqual([ {name: 'ONE_CLASSES', value: originalOne}, {name: 'One', value: originalOne}, {name: 'OneMore', value: originalOne}, {name: 'TWO_CLASSES', value: originalTwo}, {name: 'Two', value: originalTwo}, {name: 'TwoMore', value: originalTwo}, {name: 'ɵprfx_a', value: originalOne}, {name: 'ɵprfx_b', value: originalTwo} ]); expect(result.privates).toEqual([ {privateName: 'ɵprfx_a', name: 'PrivateOne', module: originalOne}, {privateName: 'ɵprfx_b', name: 'PrivateTwo', module: originalTwo} ]); }); it('should rewrite call expression references for static class members', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'lib': { 'index.ts': `export * from './deep/index';`, 'shared.ts': ` export function sharedFn() { return {foo: true}; }`, 'deep': { 'index.ts': ` import {sharedFn} from '../shared'; export class MyClass { static ɵprov = sharedFn(); } `, } } }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host); const bundledMetadata = bundler.getMetadataBundle().metadata; const deepIndexMetadata = host.getMetadataFor('/lib/deep/index')!; // The unbundled metadata should reference symbols using the relative module path. expect(deepIndexMetadata.metadata['MyClass']).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ statics: { ɵprov: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: { __symbolic: 'reference', name: 'sharedFn', module: '../shared', } } } })); // For the bundled metadata, the "sharedFn" symbol should not be referenced using the // relative module path (like for unbundled), because the metadata bundle can be stored // anywhere and it's not guaranteed that the relatively referenced files are present. expect(bundledMetadata.metadata['MyClass']).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ statics: { ɵprov: { __symbolic: 'call', expression: { __symbolic: 'reference', name: 'ɵa', } } } })); }); it('should be able to bundle an oddly constructed library', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'lib': { 'index.ts': ` export * from './src/index'; `, 'src': { 'index.ts': ` export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one'; export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two/index'; `, 'one.ts': ` class One {} class OneMore extends One {} class PrivateOne {} const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne]; export {One, OneMore, PrivateOne, ONE_CLASSES}; `, 'two': { 'index.ts': ` class Two {} class TwoMore extends Two {} class PrivateTwo {} const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo]; export {Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo, TWO_CLASSES}; ` } } } }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/lib/index', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual([ 'ONE_CLASSES', 'One', 'OneMore', 'TWO_CLASSES', 'Two', 'TwoMore', 'ɵa', 'ɵb' ]); expect(result.privates).toEqual([ {privateName: 'ɵa', name: 'PrivateOne', module: './src/one'}, {privateName: 'ɵb', name: 'PrivateTwo', module: './src/two/index'} ]); }); it('should not output windows paths in metadata', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'index.ts': ` export * from './exports/test'; `, 'exports': {'test.ts': `export class TestExport {}`} }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(result.metadata.origins).toEqual({'TestExport': './exports/test'}); }); it('should convert re-exported to the export', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'index.ts': ` export * from './bar'; export * from './foo'; `, 'bar.ts': ` import {Foo} from './foo'; export class Bar extends Foo { } `, 'foo.ts': ` export {Foo} from 'foo'; ` }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); // Expect the extends reference to refer to the imported module expect((result.metadata.metadata as any).Bar.extends.module).toEqual('foo'); expect(result.privates).toEqual([]); }); it('should treat import then export as a simple export', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'index.ts': ` export * from './a'; export * from './c'; `, 'a.ts': ` import { B } from './b'; export { B }; `, 'b.ts': ` export class B { } `, 'c.ts': ` import { B } from './b'; export class C extends B { } ` }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual(['B', 'C']); expect(result.privates).toEqual([]); }); it('should be able to bundle a private from a un-exported module', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'index.ts': ` export * from './foo'; `, 'foo.ts': ` import {Bar} from './bar'; export class Foo extends Bar { } `, 'bar.ts': ` export class Bar {} ` }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/index', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(Object.keys(result.metadata.metadata).sort()).toEqual(['Foo', 'ɵa']); expect(result.privates).toEqual([{privateName: 'ɵa', name: 'Bar', module: './bar'}]); }); it('should be able to bundle a library with re-exported symbols', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'public-api.ts': ` export * from './src/core'; export * from './src/externals'; `, 'src': { 'core.ts': ` export class A {} export class B extends A {} `, 'externals.ts': ` export {E, F, G} from 'external_one'; export * from 'external_two'; ` } }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(result.metadata.exports).toEqual([ {from: 'external_two'}, { export: [{name: 'E', as: 'E'}, {name: 'F', as: 'F'}, {name: 'G', as: 'G'}], from: 'external_one' } ]); expect(result.metadata.origins!['E']).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should be able to bundle a library with multiple unnamed re-exports', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'public-api.ts': ` export * from '@mypkg/secondary1'; export * from '@mypkg/secondary2'; `, }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); expect(result.metadata.exports).toEqual([ {from: '@mypkg/secondary1'}, {from: '@mypkg/secondary2'} ]); }); it('should be able to de-duplicate symbols of re-exported modules', () => { const host = new MockStringBundlerHost('/', { 'public-api.ts': ` export {A as A2, A, B as B1, B as B2} from './src/core'; export {A as A3} from './src/alternate'; `, 'src': { 'core.ts': ` export class A {} export class B {} `, 'alternate.ts': ` export class A {} `, } }); const bundler = new MetadataBundler('/public-api', undefined, host); const result = bundler.getMetadataBundle(); const {A, A2, A3, B1, B2} = result.metadata.metadata as { A: ClassMetadata, A2: MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, A3: ClassMetadata, B1: ClassMetadata, B2: MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression }; expect(A.__symbolic).toEqual('class'); expect(A2.__symbolic).toEqual('reference'); expect(A2.name).toEqual('A'); expect(A3.__symbolic).toEqual('class'); expect(B1.__symbolic).toEqual('class'); expect(B2.__symbolic).toEqual('reference'); expect(B2.name).toEqual('B1'); }); }); export class MockStringBundlerHost implements MetadataBundlerHost { collector = new MetadataCollector(); adapter: CompilerHostAdapter; constructor(private dirName: string, directory: Directory) { const context = new MockAotContext(dirName, directory); const host = new MockCompilerHost(context); const options = { moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, }; this.adapter = new CompilerHostAdapter(host, null, options); } getMetadataFor(moduleName: string): ModuleMetadata|undefined { return this.adapter.getMetadataFor(moduleName, this.dirName); } } export const SIMPLE_LIBRARY = { 'lib': { 'index.ts': ` export * from './src/index'; `, 'src': { 'index.ts': ` export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one'; export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two/index'; `, 'one.ts': ` export class One {} export class OneMore extends One {} export class PrivateOne {} export const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne]; `, 'two': { 'index.ts': ` export class Two {} export class TwoMore extends Two {} export class PrivateTwo {} export const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo]; ` } } } }; export const SIMPLE_LIBRARY_WITH_IMPLIED_INDEX = { 'lib': { 'index.ts': ` export * from './src'; `, 'src': { 'index.ts': ` export {One, OneMore, ONE_CLASSES} from './one'; export {Two, TwoMore, TWO_CLASSES} from './two'; `, 'one.ts': ` export class One {} export class OneMore extends One {} export class PrivateOne {} export const ONE_CLASSES = [One, OneMore, PrivateOne]; `, 'two': { 'index.ts': ` export class Two {} export class TwoMore extends Two {} export class PrivateTwo {} export const TWO_CLASSES = [Two, TwoMore, PrivateTwo]; ` } } } };