library test_lib.test_lib; import 'package:guinness/guinness.dart' as gns; export 'package:guinness/guinness.dart' hide Expect, expect, NotExpect, beforeEach, it, iit, xit; import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart' hide expect; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:collection/equality.dart'; import 'package:angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter.dart' show DOM; import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection.dart'; import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection_capabilities.dart'; import 'package:angular2/src/di/binding.dart' show bind; import 'package:angular2/src/di/injector.dart' show Injector; import './test_injector.dart'; export './test_injector.dart' show inject; bool IS_DARTIUM = true; bool IS_NODEJS = false; List _testBindings = []; Injector _injector; bool _isCurrentTestAsync; bool _inIt = false; class AsyncTestCompleter { Completer _completer; AsyncTestCompleter() { _completer = new Completer(); } done() { _completer.complete(); } get future => _completer.future; } testSetup() { reflector.reflectionCapabilities = new ReflectionCapabilities(); // beforeEach configuration: // - Priority 3: clear the bindings before each test, // - Priority 2: collect the bindings before each test, see beforeEachBindings(), // - Priority 1: create the test injector to be used in beforeEach() and it() gns.beforeEach( () { _testBindings.clear(); }, priority: 3 ); var completerBinding = bind(AsyncTestCompleter).toFactory(() { // Mark the test as async when an AsyncTestCompleter is injected in an it(), if (!_inIt) throw 'AsyncTestCompleter can only be injected in an "it()"'; _isCurrentTestAsync = true; return new AsyncTestCompleter(); }); gns.beforeEach( () { _isCurrentTestAsync = false; _testBindings.add(completerBinding); _injector = createTestInjector(_testBindings); }, priority: 1 ); } Expect expect(actual, [matcher]) { final expect = new Expect(actual); if (matcher != null); return expect; } class Expect extends gns.Expect { Expect(actual) : super(actual); NotExpect get not => new NotExpect(actual); // TODO(tbosch) change back when is fixed // void toEqual(expected) => toHaveSameProps(expected); void toEqual(expected) => _expect(actual, new FixedSamePropsMatcher(expected)); void toThrowError([message=""]) => this.toThrowWith(message: message); void toBePromise() => _expect(actual is Future, equals(true)); void toImplement(expected) => toBeA(expected); void toBeNaN() => _expect(double.NAN.compareTo(actual) == 0, equals(true)); void toHaveText(expected) => _expect(elementText(actual), expected); Function get _expect => gns.guinness.matchers.expect; } class NotExpect extends gns.NotExpect { NotExpect(actual) : super(actual); // TODO(tbosch) change back when is fixed // void toEqual(expected) => toHaveSameProps(expected); void toEqual(expected) => _expect(actual, isNot(new FixedSamePropsMatcher(expected))); void toBePromise() => _expect(actual is Future, equals(false)); Function get _expect => gns.guinness.matchers.expect; } beforeEach(fn) { if (fn is! FunctionWithParamTokens) fn = new FunctionWithParamTokens([], fn); gns.beforeEach(() { fn.execute(_injector); }); } /** * Allows overriding default bindings defined in test_injector.js. * * The given function must return a list of DI bindings. * * Example: * * beforeEachBindings(() => [ * bind(Compiler).toClass(MockCompiler), * bind(SomeToken).toValue(myValue), * ]); */ beforeEachBindings(fn) { gns.beforeEach( () { var bindings = fn(); if (bindings != null) _testBindings.addAll(bindings); }, priority: 2 ); } _it(gnsFn, name, fn) { if (fn is! FunctionWithParamTokens) fn = new FunctionWithParamTokens([], fn); gnsFn(name, () { _inIt = true; fn.execute(_injector); _inIt = false; if (_isCurrentTestAsync) return _injector.get(AsyncTestCompleter).future; }); } it(name, fn) { _it(, name, fn); } iit(name, fn) { _it(gns.iit, name, fn); } xit(name, fn) { _it(gns.xit, name, fn); } // TODO(tbosch): remove when // is fixed class FixedSamePropsMatcher extends Matcher { final Object _expected; const FixedSamePropsMatcher(this._expected); bool matches(actual, Map matchState) { return compare(toData(_expected), toData(actual)); } Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) => mismatchDescription.add('is equal to ${toData(item)}. Expected: ${toData(_expected)}'); Description describe(Description description) => description.add('has different properties'); toData(obj) => new _FixedObjToData().call(obj); compare(d1, d2) => new DeepCollectionEquality().equals(d1, d2); } // TODO(tbosch): remove when // is fixed class _FixedObjToData { final visitedObjects = new Set(); call(obj) { if (visitedObjects.contains(obj)) return null; visitedObjects.add(obj); if (obj is num || obj is String || obj is bool) return obj; if (obj is Iterable) return; if (obj is Map) return mapToData(obj); return toDataUsingReflection(obj); } mapToData(obj) { var res = {}; obj.forEach((k,v) { res[call(k)] = call(v); }); return res; } toDataUsingReflection(obj) { final clazz = reflectClass(obj.runtimeType); final instance = reflect(obj); return clazz.declarations.values.fold({}, (map, decl) { if (decl is VariableMirror && !decl.isPrivate && !decl.isStatic) { final field = instance.getField(decl.simpleName); final name = MirrorSystem.getName(decl.simpleName); map[name] = call(field.reflectee); } return map; }); } } String elementText(n) { hasNodes(n) { var children = DOM.childNodes(n); return children != null && children.length > 0; } if (n is Iterable) { return => elementText(nn)).join(""); } if (DOM.isCommentNode(n)) { return ''; } if (DOM.isElementNode(n) && DOM.tagName(n) == 'CONTENT') { return elementText(n.getDistributedNodes()); } if (DOM.hasShadowRoot(n)) { return elementText(DOM.childNodesAsList(n.shadowRoot)); } if (hasNodes(n)) { return elementText(DOM.childNodesAsList(n)); } return DOM.getText(n); }