 * @license
 * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
 * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const glob = require('glob');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const diff = require('diff');

const projectDir = __dirname;
const cliBinPath = path.join(projectDir, 'node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng');

const expectationFiles = glob.sync('**/*_expected.ts', {cwd: projectDir});

const fromVersion = '9.0.0';
const toVersion = '10.0.0';
// Note that we need to specify "--allow-dirty" as the repository will become dirty
// if dependencies for the integration test are installed (i.e. modified lock files)
const updateCommandArgs = ['@angular/core', '--migrate-only', '--from', fromVersion,
    '--to', toVersion, '--allow-dirty'];

// Print out the command that is used to run the migrations for easier debugging.
console.error(`Running "ng update ${updateCommandArgs.join(' ')}":`);

const updateProcess = child_process.spawnSync(
    'node', [cliBinPath, 'update', ...updateCommandArgs], {stdio: 'inherit', cwd: projectDir});


if (updateProcess.status !== 0) {
  console.error(chalk.red('✘ Running "ng update" failed. See output above.'));

let testsPassing = true;

// Check if each expectation file matches the actual file in the CLI project.
expectationFiles.forEach(relativeFilePath => {
  const actualFilePath = relativeFilePath.replace(/_expected.ts$/, '.ts');
  const expectedContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(projectDir, relativeFilePath), 'utf8');
  const actualContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(projectDir, actualFilePath), 'utf8');

  if (expectedContent === actualContent) {
    console.log(chalk.green(`✓  File "${actualFilePath}" matches the expected output.`));
  } else {
    testsPassing = false;
    console.error(chalk.red(`✘  File "${actualFilePath}" does not match the expected output.`));
    printColoredPatch(actualFilePath, actualContent, expectedContent);

process.exit(testsPassing ? 0 : 1);

/** Compares the two strings and prints out a colored diff to stdout. */
function printColoredPatch(actualFilePath, actualContent, expectedContent) {
  const patchLines =
              actualFilePath, expectedContent, actualContent, 'Expected content', 'Actual content')
  // Walk through each line of the patch and print it. We omit the first two lines
  // as these are the patch header and not relevant to the test.
  for (let line of patchLines.slice(2)) {
    if (line.startsWith('+')) {
    } else if (line.startsWith('-')) {
    } else {