import {assertNotMissingOrEmpty} from '../common/utils'; import {GithubApi} from './github-api'; export interface Team { id: number; slug: string; } export interface TeamMembership { state: string; } export class GithubTeams { /** * Create an instance of this helper * @param api An instance of the Github API helper. * @param githubOrg The organisation on GitHub whose repo we will interrogate. */ constructor(private api: GithubApi, protected githubOrg: string) { assertNotMissingOrEmpty('githubOrg', githubOrg); } /** * Request information about all the organisation's teams in GitHub. * @returns A promise that is resolved with information about the teams. */ public fetchAll() { return this.api.getPaginated(`/orgs/${this.githubOrg}/teams`); } /** * Check whether the specified username is a member of the specified team. * @param username The usernane to check for in the team. * @param teamIds The team to check for the username. * @returns a Promise that resolves to `true` if the username is a member of the team. */ public async isMemberById(username: string, teamIds: number[]) { const getMembership = async (teamId: number) => { try { const {state} = await this.api.get(`/teams/${teamId}/memberships/${username}`); return state === 'active'; } catch (error) { return false; } }; for (const teamId of teamIds) { if (await getMembership(teamId)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check whether the given username is a member of the teams specified by the team slugs. * @param username The username to check for in the teams. * @param teamSlugs A collection of slugs that represent the teams to check for the the username. * @returns a Promise that resolves to `true` if the usernane is a member of at least one of the specified teams. */ public async isMemberBySlug(username: string, teamSlugs: string[]) { try { const teams = await this.fetchAll(); const teamIds = teams.filter(team => teamSlugs.includes(team.slug)).map(team =>; return await this.isMemberById(username, teamIds); } catch (error) { return false; } } }