import fs = require('fs');
import fse = require('fs-extra');
import path = require('path');
import {wrapDiffingPlugin, DiffingBroccoliPlugin, DiffResult} from './diffing-broccoli-plugin';

var minimatch = require('minimatch');
var FILE_ENCODING = {encoding: 'utf-8'};

 * Intercepts each changed file and replaces its contents with
 * the associated changes.
class DiffingReplace implements DiffingBroccoliPlugin {
  // TODO: define an interface for options
  constructor(private inputPath: string, private cachePath: string, private options: any) {}

  rebuild(treeDiff: DiffResult) {
    var patterns = this.options.patterns;
    var files = this.options.files;

    treeDiff.addedPaths.concat(treeDiff.changedPaths).forEach((changedFilePath) => {
      var sourceFilePath = path.join(this.inputPath, changedFilePath);
      var destFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, changedFilePath);
      var destDirPath = path.dirname(destFilePath);

      if (!fs.existsSync(destDirPath)) {

      var fileMatches = files.some((filePath: string) => minimatch(changedFilePath, filePath));
      if (fileMatches) {
        var content = fs.readFileSync(sourceFilePath, FILE_ENCODING);
        patterns.forEach((pattern: any) => {
          var replacement = pattern.replacement;
          if (typeof replacement === 'function') {
            replacement = function(content: string) {
              return pattern.replacement(content, changedFilePath);
          content = content.replace(pattern.match, replacement);
        fs.writeFileSync(destFilePath, content, FILE_ENCODING);
      } else if (!fs.existsSync(destFilePath)) {
        try {
          fs.symlinkSync(sourceFilePath, destFilePath);
        } catch (e) {
          fs.writeFileSync(destFilePath, fs.readFileSync(sourceFilePath));

    treeDiff.removedPaths.forEach((removedFilePath) => {
      var destFilePath = path.join(this.cachePath, removedFilePath);

export default wrapDiffingPlugin(DiffingReplace);