'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var ts = require('typescript'); var files = [ 'lifecycle_annotations_impl.ts', 'url_parser.ts', 'path_recognizer.ts', 'route_config_impl.ts', 'async_route_handler.ts', 'sync_route_handler.ts', 'route_recognizer.ts', 'instruction.ts', 'route_config_nomalizer.ts', 'route_lifecycle_reflector.ts', 'route_registry.ts', 'router.ts' ]; var PRELUDE = '(function(){\n'; var POSTLUDE = '\n}());\n'; var FACADES = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/lib/facades.es5', 'utf8'); var TRACEUR_RUNTIME = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../node_modules/traceur/bin/traceur-runtime.js', 'utf8'); var DIRECTIVES = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/src/ng_outlet.js', 'utf8'); function main() { var dir = __dirname + '/../angular2/src/router/'; var out = ''; var sharedCode = ''; files.forEach(function (file) { var moduleName = 'router/' + file.replace(/\.ts$/, ''); sharedCode += transform(moduleName, fs.readFileSync(dir + file, 'utf8')); }); out += "angular.module('ngComponentRouter')"; out += angularFactory('$router', ['$q', '$location', '$$controllerIntrospector', '$browser', '$rootScope', '$injector'], [ FACADES, "var exports = {Injectable: function () {}};", "var require = function () {return exports;};", sharedCode, "var RouteConfig = exports.RouteConfig;", "angular.annotations = {RouteConfig: RouteConfig, CanActivate: exports.CanActivate};", "angular.stringifyInstruction = exports.stringifyInstruction;", "var RouteRegistry = exports.RouteRegistry;", "var RootRouter = exports.RootRouter;", //TODO: move this code into a templated JS file "var registry = new RouteRegistry();", "var location = new Location();", "$$controllerIntrospector(function (name, constructor) {", "if (constructor.$canActivate) {", "constructor.annotations = constructor.annotations || [];", "constructor.annotations.push(new angular.annotations.CanActivate(function (instruction) {", "return $injector.invoke(constructor.$canActivate, constructor, {", "$routeParams: instruction.component ? instruction.component.params : instruction.params", "});", "}));", "}", "if (constructor.$routeConfig) {", "constructor.annotations = constructor.annotations || [];", "constructor.annotations.push(new angular.annotations.RouteConfig(constructor.$routeConfig));", "}", "if (constructor.annotations) {", "constructor.annotations.forEach(function(annotation) {", "if (annotation instanceof RouteConfig) {", "annotation.configs.forEach(function (config) {", "registry.config(constructor, config);", "});", "}", "});", "}", "});", "var router = new RootRouter(registry, undefined, location, new Object());", "$rootScope.$watch(function () { return $location.path(); }, function (path) {", "if (router.lastNavigationAttempt !== path) {", "router.navigateByUrl(path);", "}", "});", "return router;" ].join('\n')); return PRELUDE + TRACEUR_RUNTIME + DIRECTIVES + out + POSTLUDE; } /* * Given a directory name and a file's TypeScript content, return an object with the ES5 code, * sourcemap, and exported variable identifier name for the content. */ var IMPORT_RE = new RegExp("import \\{?([\\w\\n_, ]+)\\}? from '(.+)';?", 'g'); function transform(dir, contents) { contents = contents.replace(IMPORT_RE, function (match, imports, includePath) { //TODO: remove special-case if (isFacadeModule(includePath) || includePath === './router_outlet') { return ''; } return match; }); return ts.transpile(contents, { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, sourceRoot: dir }); } function angularFactory(name, deps, body) { return ".factory('" + name + "', [" + deps.map(function (service) { return "'" + service + "', "; }).join('') + "function (" + deps.join(', ') + ") {\n" + body + "\n}])"; } function isFacadeModule(modulePath) { return modulePath.indexOf('facade') > -1 || modulePath === 'angular2/src/core/reflection/reflection'; } module.exports = function () { var dist = __dirname + '/../../dist'; if (!fs.existsSync(dist)) { fs.mkdirSync(dist); } fs.writeFileSync(dist + '/angular_1_router.js', main(files)); };