import { FirebaseRedirect } from './FirebaseRedirect'; describe('FirebaseRedirect', () => { describe('replace', () => { it('should return undefined if the redirect does not match the url', () => { const redirect = new FirebaseRedirect('/a/b/c', '/x/y/z'); expect(redirect.replace('/1/2/3')).toBe(undefined); }); it('should return the destination if there is a match', () => { const redirect = new FirebaseRedirect('/a/b/c', '/x/y/z'); expect(redirect.replace('/a/b/c')).toBe('/x/y/z'); }); it('should inject name params into the destination', () => { const redirect = new FirebaseRedirect('/api/:package/:api-*', '<:package><:api>'); expect(redirect.replace('/api/common/NgClass-directive')).toEqual(''); }); it('should inject rest params into the destination', () => { const redirect = new FirebaseRedirect('/a/:rest*', '/x/:rest*/y'); expect(redirect.replace('/a/b/c')).toEqual('/x/b/c/y'); }); it('should inject both named and rest parameters into the destination', () => { const redirect = new FirebaseRedirect('/:a/:rest*', '/x/:a/y/:rest*/z'); expect(redirect.replace('/a/b/c')).toEqual('/x/a/y/b/c/z'); }); }); });