/** * @license * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ import {NgForOfContext} from '@angular/common'; import {RenderFlags, directiveInject} from '../../src/render3'; import {defineComponent} from '../../src/render3/definition'; import {bind, container, element, elementAttribute, elementClass, elementEnd, elementProperty, elementStart, elementStyle, elementStyleNamed, interpolation1, renderTemplate, text, textBinding} from '../../src/render3/instructions'; import {AttributeMarker, LElementNode, LNode} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/node'; import {RElement, domRendererFactory3} from '../../src/render3/interfaces/renderer'; import {TrustedString, bypassSanitizationTrustHtml, bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl, bypassSanitizationTrustScript, bypassSanitizationTrustStyle, bypassSanitizationTrustUrl, sanitizeHtml, sanitizeResourceUrl, sanitizeScript, sanitizeStyle, sanitizeUrl} from '../../src/sanitization/sanitization'; import {Sanitizer, SecurityContext} from '../../src/sanitization/security'; import {NgForOf} from './common_with_def'; import {ComponentFixture, TemplateFixture} from './render_util'; describe('instructions', () => { function createAnchor() { elementStart(0, 'a'); elementEnd(); } function createDiv() { elementStart(0, 'div'); elementEnd(); } function createScript() { elementStart(0, 'script'); elementEnd(); } describe('bind', () => { it('should update bindings when value changes', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(createAnchor); t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'title', bind('Hello'))); expect(t.html).toEqual(''); t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'title', bind('World'))); expect(t.html).toEqual(''); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for hostElement + 1 for the template under test tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, rendererSetProperty: 2 }); }); it('should not update bindings when value does not change', () => { const idempotentUpdate = () => elementProperty(0, 'title', bind('Hello')); const t = new TemplateFixture(createAnchor, idempotentUpdate); t.update(); expect(t.html).toEqual(''); t.update(); expect(t.html).toEqual(''); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for hostElement + 1 for the template under test tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, rendererSetProperty: 1 }); }); }); describe('element', () => { it('should create an element', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(() => { element(0, 'div', ['id', 'test', 'title', 'Hello']); }); const div = (t.hostNode.native as HTMLElement).querySelector('div') !; expect(div.id).toEqual('test'); expect(div.title).toEqual('Hello'); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for div, 1 for host element tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, }); }); it('should allow setting namespaced attributes', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(() => { elementStart(0, 'div', [ // id="test" 'id', 'test', // test:foo="bar" AttributeMarker.NamespaceURI, 'http://someuri.com/2018/test', 'test:foo', 'bar', // title="Hello" 'title', 'Hello', ]); elementEnd(); }); const div = (t.hostNode.native as HTMLElement).querySelector('div') !; const attrs: any = div.attributes; expect(attrs['id'].name).toEqual('id'); expect(attrs['id'].namespaceURI).toEqual(null); expect(attrs['id'].value).toEqual('test'); expect(attrs['test:foo'].name).toEqual('test:foo'); expect(attrs['test:foo'].namespaceURI).toEqual('http://someuri.com/2018/test'); expect(attrs['test:foo'].value).toEqual('bar'); expect(attrs['title'].name).toEqual('title'); expect(attrs['title'].namespaceURI).toEqual(null); expect(attrs['title'].value).toEqual('Hello'); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for div, 1 for host element tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, rendererSetAttribute: 3 }); }); }); describe('elementAttribute', () => { it('should use sanitizer function', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv); t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'title', 'javascript:true', sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual('
'); t.update( () => elementAttribute( 0, 'title', bypassSanitizationTrustUrl('javascript:true'), sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual('
'); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for div, 1 for host element tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, rendererSetAttribute: 2 }); }); }); describe('elementProperty', () => { it('should use sanitizer function when available', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv); t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'title', 'javascript:true', sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual('
'); t.update( () => elementProperty( 0, 'title', bypassSanitizationTrustUrl('javascript:false'), sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual('
'); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for div, 1 for host element tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, }); }); it('should not stringify non string values', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv); t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'hidden', false)); // The hidden property would be true if `false` was stringified into `"false"`. expect((t.hostNode.native as HTMLElement).querySelector('div') !.hidden).toEqual(false); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ firstTemplatePass: 1, tNode: 2, // 1 for div, 1 for host element tView: 1, rendererCreateElement: 1, rendererSetProperty: 1 }); }); }); describe('elementStyleNamed', () => { it('should use sanitizer function', () => { const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv); t.update( () => elementStyleNamed(0, 'background-image', 'url("http://server")', sanitizeStyle)); // nothing is set because sanitizer suppresses it. expect(t.html).toEqual('
'); t.update( () => elementStyleNamed( 0, 'background-image', bypassSanitizationTrustStyle('url("http://server")'), sanitizeStyle)); expect((t.hostElement.firstChild as HTMLElement).style.getPropertyValue('background-image')) .toEqual('url("http://server")'); }); }); describe('elementStyle', () => { function createDivWithStyle() { elementStart(0, 'div', ['style', 'height: 10px']); elementEnd(); } it('should add style', () => { const fixture = new TemplateFixture(createDivWithStyle); fixture.update(() => elementStyle(0, {'background-color': 'red'})); expect(fixture.html).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('elementClass', () => { it('should add class', () => { const fixture = new TemplateFixture(createDiv); fixture.update(() => elementClass(0, 'multiple classes')); expect(fixture.html).toEqual('
'); }); }); describe('performance counters', () => { it('should create tViews only once for each nested level', () => { const _c0 = ['ngFor', '', 'ngForOf', '']; /** * */ class NestedLoops { rows = [['a', 'b'], ['A', 'B'], ['a', 'b'], ['A', 'B']]; static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({ type: NestedLoops, selectors: [['nested-loops']], factory: function ToDoAppComponent_Factory() { return new NestedLoops(); }, template: function ToDoAppComponent_Template(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: NestedLoops) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { container(0, ToDoAppComponent_NgForOf_Template_0, null, _c0); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { elementProperty(0, 'ngForOf', bind(ctx.rows)); } function ToDoAppComponent_NgForOf_Template_0( rf: RenderFlags, ctx0: NgForOfContext) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'ul'); container(1, ToDoAppComponent_NgForOf_NgForOf_Template_1, null, _c0); elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { const row_r2 = ctx0.$implicit; elementProperty(1, 'ngForOf', bind(row_r2)); } function ToDoAppComponent_NgForOf_NgForOf_Template_1( rf: RenderFlags, ctx1: NgForOfContext) { if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) { elementStart(0, 'li'); text(1); elementEnd(); } if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) { const col_r3 = ctx1.$implicit; textBinding(1, interpolation1('', col_r3, '')); } } } }, directives: [NgForOf] }); } const fixture = new ComponentFixture(NestedLoops); expect(ngDevMode).toHaveProperties({ // Expect: fixture view/Host view + component + ngForRow + ngForCol tView: 4, // should be: 4, }); }); }); describe('sanitization injection compatibility', () => { it('should work for url sanitization', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => `${value}-sanitized`); const t = new TemplateFixture(createAnchor, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = 'http://foo'; const outputValue = 'http://foo-sanitized'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'href', inputValue, sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toEqual(outputValue); }); it('should bypass url sanitization if marked by the service', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createAnchor, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = s.bypassSecurityTrustUrl('http://foo'); const outputValue = 'http://foo'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'href', inputValue, sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should bypass ivy-level url sanitization if a custom sanitizer is used', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createAnchor, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = bypassSanitizationTrustUrl('http://foo'); const outputValue = 'http://foo-ivy'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'href', inputValue, sanitizeUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should work for style sanitization', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => `color:blue`); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = 'color:red'; const outputValue = 'color:blue'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'style', inputValue, sanitizeStyle)); expect(stripStyleWsCharacters(t.html)).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toEqual(outputValue); }); it('should bypass style sanitization if marked by the service', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = s.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('color:maroon'); const outputValue = 'color:maroon'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'style', inputValue, sanitizeStyle)); expect(stripStyleWsCharacters(t.html)).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should bypass ivy-level style sanitization if a custom sanitizer is used', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = bypassSanitizationTrustStyle('font-family:foo'); const outputValue = 'font-family:foo-ivy'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'style', inputValue, sanitizeStyle)); expect(stripStyleWsCharacters(t.html)).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should work for resourceUrl sanitization', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => `${value}-sanitized`); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = 'http://resource'; const outputValue = 'http://resource-sanitized'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'src', inputValue, sanitizeResourceUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toEqual(outputValue); }); it('should bypass resourceUrl sanitization if marked by the service', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = s.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl('file://all-my-secrets.pdf'); const outputValue = 'file://all-my-secrets.pdf'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'src', inputValue, sanitizeResourceUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should bypass ivy-level resourceUrl sanitization if a custom sanitizer is used', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = bypassSanitizationTrustResourceUrl('file://all-my-secrets.pdf'); const outputValue = 'file://all-my-secrets.pdf-ivy'; t.update(() => elementAttribute(0, 'src', inputValue, sanitizeResourceUrl)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should work for script sanitization', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => `${value} //sanitized`); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = 'fn();'; const outputValue = 'fn(); //sanitized'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeScript)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toEqual(outputValue); }); it('should bypass script sanitization if marked by the service', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = s.bypassSecurityTrustScript('alert("bar")'); const outputValue = 'alert("bar")'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeScript)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should bypass ivy-level script sanitization if a custom sanitizer is used', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createScript, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = bypassSanitizationTrustScript('alert("bar")'); const outputValue = 'alert("bar")-ivy'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeScript)); expect(t.html).toEqual(``); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should work for html sanitization', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => `${value} `); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = '
'; const outputValue = '
'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeHtml)); expect(t.html).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toEqual(outputValue); }); it('should bypass html sanitization if marked by the service', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = s.bypassSecurityTrustHtml('
'); const outputValue = '
'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeHtml)); expect(t.html).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should bypass ivy-level script sanitization if a custom sanitizer is used', () => { const s = new LocalMockSanitizer(value => ''); const t = new TemplateFixture(createDiv, undefined, null, null, s); const inputValue = bypassSanitizationTrustHtml('
'); const outputValue = '
-ivy'; t.update(() => elementProperty(0, 'innerHTML', inputValue, sanitizeHtml)); expect(t.html).toEqual(`
`); expect(s.lastSanitizedValue).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); class LocalSanitizedValue { constructor(public value: any) {} toString() { return this.value; } } class LocalMockSanitizer implements Sanitizer { // TODO(issue/24571): remove '!'. public lastSanitizedValue !: string | null; constructor(private _interceptor: (value: string|null|any) => string) {} sanitize(context: SecurityContext, value: LocalSanitizedValue|string|null|any): string|null { if (value instanceof String) { return value.toString() + '-ivy'; } if (value instanceof LocalSanitizedValue) { return value.toString(); } return this.lastSanitizedValue = this._interceptor(value); } bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value: string) { return new LocalSanitizedValue(value); } bypassSecurityTrustStyle(value: string) { return new LocalSanitizedValue(value); } bypassSecurityTrustScript(value: string) { return new LocalSanitizedValue(value); } bypassSecurityTrustUrl(value: string) { return new LocalSanitizedValue(value); } bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(value: string) { return new LocalSanitizedValue(value); } } function stripStyleWsCharacters(value: string): string { // color: blue; => color:blue return value.replace(/;/g, '').replace(/:\s+/g, ':'); }