package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ng_module", "ng_package") ng_module( name = "core", srcs = glob( [ "*.ts", "src/**/*.ts", ], exclude = ["src/ivy_switch.ts"], ) + [ ":ivy_switch", ], module_name = "@angular/core", deps = [ "//packages:types", "//packages/compiler", "@rxjs", ], ) ng_package( name = "npm_package", srcs = glob(["**/*.externs.js"]) + [ "package.json", "//packages/core/testing:package.json", ], entry_point = "packages/core/index.js", tags = ["release-with-framework"], deps = [ ":core", "//packages/core/testing", ], ) ## Controls if Ivy is enabled. (Temporary target until we permanently switch over to Ivy) ## ## This file generates `src/ivy_switch.ts` file which reexports symbols for `ViewEngine` or `Ivy.` ## - append `--define=ivy=false` (default) to `bazel` command to reexport `./ivy_switch_false` ## and use `ViewEngine`; ## - append `--define=ivy=true` to `bazel` command to rexport `./ivy_switch_true` and use `Ivy`; ## ## NOTE: `--define=ivy=true` works with any `bazel` command or target across the repo. ## ## See: `//tools/bazel.rc` where `--define=ivy=false` is defined as default. ## See: `./src/ivy_switch.ts` for more details. genrule( name = "ivy_switch", outs = ["src/ivy_switch.ts"], cmd = "echo export '*' from \"'./ivy_switch_$(ivy)';\" > $@", )